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Award ceremony with mask: The tough Olympic rules in Tokyo

Everything will be different at these Olympic Games! Last week it was decided that no fans would be admitted to the competitions (July 23 to August 8) in Tokyo. The fear of a corona outbreak is too great in Japan. “It’s a shame that the competitions will now take place without spectators,” says long jump world champion Malaika Mihambo (27). “We athletes will lack this support, but we will make the best of it.”

It’s not the only sacrifice athletes have to make for their Olympic dream. There are more stringent behavioral requirements than ever before! In the “Playbook”, the rules of the game that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Organizing Committee have worked out, these are precisely recorded on 70 pages. SPORT BILD explains the tough requirements.

BILD at the Olympics in Japan
The tough corona rules in Tokyo

Source: BILD / Reuters

Even at the most beautiful moment, the mask is mandatory: at the award ceremony! On request, the IOC confirms: “As of now, and unless the conditions change, it is mandatory for the athletes to wear the mask on the podium, even during the national anthem.”

But it starts with the arrival. Before the athletes can enter the country, they have to pass a corona test. Two apps called OCHA and COCOA are loaded onto the smartphone: one to query the state of health on a daily basis, the other is like the German Corona warning app. This means that the athletes are constantly monitored by GPS in order to track down violations and understand chains of infection.

It is forbidden to use public transport in the city. Only official Olympic vehicles are allowed. Tourist visits to sights, restaurants and shops are taboo anyway. “Bubble” for everyone!

The athletes are only allowed to move into the Olympic village five days before their competition and must be outside 48 hours afterwards. So that it doesn’t get too crowded. Anyone who has a time difference of more than six hours from Japan in their home country can move in one day earlier. For some, the games will be short: the street skateboarders are only there from July 18th to 28th.

It is forbidden to speak in confined spaces such as elevators. Hugs, high fives and handshakes should be avoided at all costs.

For the duration of the entire Olympic Games, you are only allowed to be with teammates, coaches and supervisors whom you have previously placed on a contact list. It is forbidden to share towels in changing rooms. There is only limited capacity in the showers, so waiting times are possible.

The cafeteria is otherwise the most popular meeting point for the Olympics. Here in Rio in 2016, selfies were still dusted with superstars like sprinter Usain Bolt (34). Now you have to keep a distance of two meters. Only four places are used at six tables. The menu is available on the smartphone via an app. This also shows how full the cafeteria is. If you can, you should avoid peak times. There are no regulations on how long you can stay there, but the “Playbook” says that it should be as short as possible. After eating, everyone has to disinfect the table and chairs themselves.

It couldn’t be better
Everything is perfect about this 60-meter hammer

Source: Ghana Football Association

All athletes are tested for corona by saliva every day. The fever is also always measured on the way to the village. The limit is 37.5 degrees.

What will particularly hurt many athletes: They are not allowed to watch other sports. Only teammates from the same discipline are allowed there. And for them there are also rules of conduct: no roaring, cheering or singing! Clapping is allowed.

The circumstances have already deterred well-known athletes. The Australian tennis star Nick Kyrgios (26) does not start: “Playing in front of empty stadiums just doesn’t feel right for me.” Even golf professional Martin Kaymer decided against taking part. “What the Olympics stands for is not required this year,” says the 36-year-old. The exchange with other athletes and the special emotions are part of the Olympic experience for him.

Instead, the participants face fines. Depending on the severity of the violations, it can range from a warning to temporary withdrawal of accreditation to exclusion from the games. Fines are also possible. There is no information about the amount.

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