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Avoiding the dangers of misuse of artificial intelligence – Vatican News

As the Pope is not feeling well and the previously planned meetings in the Vatican have been cancelled, the participants of the plenary session organized by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences received his speech on 23 September in writing. “Your research and experience are very important in the complex world we live in,” Francis wrote.

Janis Evertovskis – Vatican

In the text of the speech previously prepared, we read that he first thanks the academics for anthropocene and artificial intelligence selecting topics for research and discussing them at this year’s plenary session. “We are all increasingly concerned that humanity is having a major impact on nature and ecosystems,” he writes. “I learned that one of you, Paul Kritzen, in describing on this effect on the creature, which is called Anthropocene era. Some members of your Academy were among the first to recognize the growing influence of human activity on creation and to study the risks and problems associated with it. In fact, the Anthropocene period shows increasingly large consequences for nature and for people, especially in terms of the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity”.

Therefore, Francis thanks the members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for continuing to focus on these types of issues, especially with their impact on poor and marginalized people. The sciences that seek knowledge and understanding of the physical world should never forget the importance of using the knowledge gained to honor the human being and humanity. overall promotion.

As the world faces serious social, political and environmental problems, we clearly see the urgent need for a wider context where inclusive public debate is based not only on information from different scientific subjects, but also on the participation of all sectors of society. In this regard, the Pope emphasizes that he welcomes the fact that the Academy takes care of marginalized and poor people in the various conferences, including natives and the wisdom in the conversations.

This year, during the plenary session, the new knowledge and innovations will also be discussed, as well as the related opportunities for the benefit of science and the health of the planet. “I’m especially thinking about the challenges that come with the development of artificial intelligence,” says Francis. “Such developments can benefit humanity, for example by stimulating innovation in medicine and healthcare, as well as helping to protect the environment and enabling sustainable use of resources against climate change. However, as we will see, it can also have a negative impact on the population, especially children and vulnerable adults. In addition, it is necessary to be aware of and prevent the dangers of using artificial intelligence to shape public opinion, influence consumer preferences and prevent processes. election.”

In continuing the address, the Holy Father emphasizes that these challenges remind us of the human and ethical side of all scientific and technical progress. Therefore, he once again expresses the conviction of the Church that the development of new technologies must be based on the respect and brotherhood of each person. Technological development that does not contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of all mankind, but on the other hand, deepens inequality and conflict, cannot be considered as real progress. In this regard, it is necessary to pay more attention and study the impact of artificial intelligence on individual countries and on the international community. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences is working to propose appropriate norms with the aim of eliminating risks and promoting benefits in this complex field.

At the end of the text, we read that, at a time when crises, wars and threats to the world’s security seem great, investment in the development of knowledge is even more important for global peace and mutual cooperation national.

2024-09-23 11:36:41
#Avoiding #dangers #misuse #artificial #intelligence #Vatican #News

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