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Avoid the secret killer



news-single-imgcaption" style="width:640px">Health expert Dr. Melanie Volkmer – Source: Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See

05/15/2021, 8:53 am | Press releases

Dangerous high blood pressure / Knappschaft expert advises prevention


It comes creeping up and is therefore often not discovered: high blood pressure. Every year hundreds of thousands fall victim to the silent killer in Germany. Therefore: “Hypertension, as it is called in technical jargon, should be recognized as early as possible and always treated,” says Dr. Melanie Volkmer. “Around half of all strokes and heart attacks caused by hypertension could be avoided,” added the health expert from the Knappschaft.
According to the Robert Koch Institute, more than every third adult is affected by high blood pressure – with a slight downward trend. In hypertension, the blood flows through the body’s vascular system under too high pressure. General practitioner Volkmer reports that lower values ​​(diastolic) of more than 90 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) or upper values ​​(systolic) of over 140 mmHg are considered critical or elevated.

Scarcity pays regular check-ups

High blood pressure can be caused by diseases of other organs. In many cases, however, the cause is unknown and the diagnosis is incidental, explains Dr. Melanie Volkmer. Hereditary predispositions and age apparently also play a role in primary hypertension. Social medicine specialist Volkmer knows that “especially in people over 40 years of age, blood pressure often rises unnoticed. Above all, being overweight and smoking are additional risk factors for high blood pressure.

As a preventive measure, the health insurance company Knappschaft will regularly check for high blood pressure from the age of 35. People with identified problems should regularly check their blood pressure with an electrical measuring device in the morning, at noon and in the evening.

Hypertension can be managed well with medication. In addition, you can also support the necessary treatment. If the values ​​are slightly higher, countermeasures can be taken without tablets. Dr. Melanie Volkmer: “A healthy diet and exercise are effective prevention.”

The extent to which alternative healing methods can achieve a longer-lasting antihypertensive effect is less researched.

Five alternative tips from KNAPPSCHAFT against high blood pressure

  1. Watch your weight. Even one kilogram of weight loss lowers the blood level by around 0.2 millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
  2. Eat consciously. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits. On the other hand, avoid common salt and snacks that are often used in ready meals.
  3. Drink yourself fit. Prefer low-sodium water with lots of magnesium and calcium. Hibiscus or fruit tea also lower high blood pressure.
  4. Get enough exercise. Endurance sports such as running, swimming or cycling are ideal. Regular walking also helps to lower the blood pressure value by up to 7 mmHg.
  5. In addition to smoking or alcohol, stress is also bad for the heart. Maintain hobbies and, if necessary, try relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation.



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Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See

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