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Avoid Double Plague, Protect Children with Immunizations in the Future …


JAKARTA – The corona virus pandemic situation or COVID-19 affects health services, including immunizations. The survey results of the Ministry of Health together with Unicef ​​and observers of child immunization stated that the majority of health services declined.

Even though the COVID-19 vaccine hasn’t been found yet, children still need to get immunity through immunization. The National Task Force’s Public Communications Team, Reisa Broto Asmoro said that the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) said the challenges of the immunization program during the COVID-19 pandemic had the potential to cause a double outbreak, the outbreak of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.

“Therefore, it is important to emphasize immunization to children even in the midst of a pandemic with a record of health protocols being prioritized,” Reisa said during a virtual press conference recently.

Important steps need to be taken to ensure each immunization target, namely children who are a vulnerable group suffering from PD3I or diseases that can be prevented by immunization. Through immunization, children are protected from dangerous diseases.

Reisa revealed the principles that became a reference in implementing the immunization program during the COVID-19 pandemic. First, basic and follow-up immunization will continue to be complete and carried out according to schedule to protect children from PD3I. Second, operationally, immunization services both at posyandu, puskesmas, mobile puskesmas and other health facilities that provide immunization services follow local government policies.

“Third, PD3I surveillance activities must be optimized including reporting. Fourth, applying the principle of ppi and maintaining a safe distance of 1 to 2 meters,” he explained. (Also read: Divorce Parents, Beware of Psychological Impacts on Children).

Reisa said, immunization services at puskesmas or other health facilities providing immunization services during the pandemic had room or immunization service provisions. As is the case using a room or place of service that is large enough with good air circulation and is adjacent to or separated from the poly service of sick children or adults.

“The room or place for immunization services is only to serve healthy babies and children,” he said.

The second provision is to ensure that the room or place is regularly cleaned with disinfectant liquid and hand washing facilities are available using soap and running water or hand sanitizers. “Set the service desk between officers and parents so that the safe distance is one to two meters,” said Reisa.

Then, the exit and entry routes are arranged differently and provide seats for immunization targets and parents and introductory waiters. Provision of seating in open spaces, to wait before and after immunization is also needed.

Determination of the day and hour schedule for immunization services is also important. It aims to provide effective services and information on the number of targets to be served. The other most important thing is the procedure of media officers equipped with personal protective equipment, such as masks and gloves. (Also read: Between Popularity and Controversy Via Vallen).

According to Reisa, a world without one vaccine could paralyze the activity of billions of the world’s population. Making the most of the endurance of the artificial body that scientists and experts in infectious diseases have discovered has helped to grow the body’s immunity together and ultimately destroy the disease.

“Bring the child to the health center, posyandu for immunization, discipline to apply health protocols while in health facilities, immunization protects children from the threat of various dangerous diseases and immunization is the safest and most effective way. Protecting children is the same as protecting ourselves, our families and the community from threats “Infectious diseases. Immediately immunize, ensure complete immunization according to the guidelines, and protect yourself and protect others,” he said.


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