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Avoid being entangled in illegal lending, see the instructions from the OJK below

– Avoid getting entangled in online loans or illegal pinjol. Listen instruction from OJK.

If the legal loan is officially registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK). This needs to be checked before applying for a loan.

There are several ways that you can take to ensure that applying for funds at a loan is legal or illegal.

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Listen 3 ways to check legal and trusted online loans from the government through OJK.

1. Website OJK

Is known, OJK regularly updating the list of officially registered fintech lending or borrowing.

Here are 3 ways to check the legal loan registered through the page OJK:

– Page access OJK at https://www.ojk.go.id/id/kanal/iknb/financial-technology/Default.aspx.

– Open the page OJK at www.ojk.go.id, select the IKNB menu, then select Finctech at the bottom right.

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– Type “Financial Technology – P2P Lending OJK” in the search engine, then click the website OJK which appears on the results page.

To check the pinjol is registered or not, then type the name of the pinjol you want to search for in the search field. It’s located at the bottom, then click search.

2. Chat on WhatsApp (WA) number OJK

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