Home » Health » Avocados: A Key Food for Improving Insulin Sensitivity and Preventing Diabetes, Experts Say

Avocados: A Key Food for Improving Insulin Sensitivity and Preventing Diabetes, Experts Say

In the presence of insulin resistance, the inclusion of certain foods in the diet can help improve the quality of life, especially if there is a risk of developing diabetes. This is shared by Jocelyn Laurent, physician and professor at Charles University Regional Medical Center, who advises that you should include avocados in your diet. “Insulin is not only a drug that helps people control diabetes, but also a hormone which is naturally produced in the body and is vital to our well-being. Insulin is like a key that opens the cells in our body and brings sugar into them, which it then uses for energy. Sugar fuels our bodies like gasoline fuels a car. However, the body can develop resistance to this important hormone. This signals that something is wrong with it,” says the specialist. “When you have insulin resistance, the key – insulin – stops working properly. So it takes more action from the body to do the same job. Eventually, over time, your blood sugar becomes high enough to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,” adds Dr. Laurent. “If you have insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, or are just concerned about health, you need to rethink your diet. Make sure you include avocados in your diet. There are several foods that are important to eat when you have insulin resistance, but one of them is a favorite of diabetes nutritionists. And that’s avocado,” says the specialist. “As a source of monounsaturated fat and fiber, fresh avocado can be an excellent addition to a meal plan that aims to improve insulin sensitivity,” adds Dr. Laurent. Nutritionist and nutrition expert for diabetes, Dr. Erin Palinsky-Wade, notes that 79 percent of the carbohydrates in avocados come from fiber. Avocados contain three grams of this important carbohydrate. “A high-fiber diet will help stabilize blood sugar levels while promoting gut health—two key components to improving insulin sensitivity. Fiber slows digestion, helps regulate blood sugar, and makes you feel full.” more time to prevent overeating,” adds Dr. Wade. Nutritionist Michelle Rutenstein adds that another benefit of avocados is their low carb content. The micronutrients in avocados support overall metabolism and can help with weight management. This makes the fruit a valuable addition to a balanced diet for people with insulin resistance.” One study linked avocado consumption to improved blood sugar levels in adults with overweight or obesity and insulin resistance. And another study involving more than 14,000 people found that avocados also improved blood sugar levels in participants with type 2 diabetes. Avocado can be consumed in a variety of ways: in salads, stuffed in pita, added to sandwiches, made into smoothies,” says Dr. Rutenstein, according to actualno.com, cites exquis.ro.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2024-03-11 23:52:04
#Fruit #Helps #Bodys #Resistance #Insulin #MyCTA.ro #Constanta #News

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