Home » today » Business » Average annual energy bill decreases, but remains above 5,000 euros | Money

Average annual energy bill decreases, but remains above 5,000 euros | Money

An average Flemish family with a natural gas consumption of 23,260 kilowatt hours (kWh; for heating and other consumption) arrives at 3,380.90 euros average estimated annual cost with the new figures from the Vreg dashboard about the energy market. That is more than 200 percent more than a year earlier (1,113.77 euros) or triple the amount. In January it was 3,631.37 euros.

The electricity bill is also peppered. An average Flemish family with a double counter with a total annual consumption of 3,500 kWh arrives at 1,705.67 euros in February, slightly more than the 1,703.35 euros the month before. In February 2021, it was 903.26 euros. The price rose by about 89 percent in one year. The figure for families with only a trip meter is slightly higher with the same consumption: 1,766.38 euros.

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