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Avenches: Young stallions under the eyes of experts – News Vaud & Regions: Nord vaudois-Broye

“At Glovelier, these stallions are selected on their morphology, in particular their height at the withers. After 40 days of testing, training and veterinary monitoring, their performance will be evaluated more this Saturday. ” New manager of the Swiss Federation of Franches-Montagnes (FSFM), Marie Pfammatter is about to conduct her very first station test at the Haras national d’Avenches. The purpose of the day is to approve future breeding stallions of the only indigenous breed in the country.

While the event regularly brings together some 2000 spectators, this edition will be held behind closed doors, announced the FSFM Friday, following the decisions of the Federal Council concerning the coronavirus. However, there was no question of canceling this day combining horse-riding and harnessing for 15 horses. Because the meeting must guarantee the maintenance of a network of some 20,000 horses, including almost 180 breeders.

In total, over fifty horses were announced by their breeders for the first selection of Glovelier. Seventeen were selected for the 40 days of training at Avenches, two of which have already been eliminated.

Of the remaining 15 horses, it is impossible to say how many will be approved, but on average, around ten are retained each year. “It depends in particular on their management of the stress of a competition and their behavior in public,” said the director. A stress that will be very different this year, due to the closed camera decided.

Created: 02/28.2020, 8:19 p.m.

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