Home » today » Health » Autun. Stéphane Favre, mayor of Auxy, has resumed regular blood donation

Autun. Stéphane Favre, mayor of Auxy, has resumed regular blood donation

On Tuesday, August 6, in the morning, at the Hexagone, the Association for Voluntary Blood Donation in the Autun region organized its monthly collection, under the aegis of the French Blood Establishment (EFS). 85 donors reached out during the collection, including one new one. “A significantly improved result compared to the collections of recent months,” says Françoise André, president of the association. Then she adds: “A phenomenon that is, after all, classic in this month of August, which can be explained by the number of donors spending their holidays in the Autun region. Like this family, 11 of them came to reach out during a previous summer vacation. They thus swell the number of regular donors in the area.”

A donation every two months

Among them, Stéphane Favre, mayor of Auxy. After having been a faithful donor in his youth, the contingencies of working life kept him away from the regular practice of this act of generosity. Then, when he was in his fifties, he chose to return to his youthful rhythm. Thus, for the past three years, he has been going to the Autun blood drive every two months.

“I have the opportunity to adapt my professional schedule to take part in collections, which is already an appreciable point. Then, my position as mayor gives me a form of exemplarity which can lead some of my constituents to follow in my footsteps, which I would be delighted to do. Finally, the diversity of my missions as chief magistrate of the commune of Auxy allows me to observe how the gesture of donating blood can be particularly valuable.”

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