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Autumn Vaccination Campaign: COVID-19 Booster Shot and Vaccine Information for Flemish Residents

This autumn you will not receive an official letter from the Flemish government for a corona shot. How is the vaccination campaign going? And is the vaccine useful for everyone?

The vaccination campaign for Covid-19 will start this week. The campaign is no longer organized nationally, but locally, through primary care. The vaccine is also no longer recommended for the general population, only for vulnerable groups. Yet everyone is free to get a shot.

Why a new vaccine?

Virologists predict that the coronavirus will peak again by mid-October, resulting in hospital admissions, although it will no longer be a peak like we experienced in 2020 and 2021. From October it is therefore wise for risk groups to boost immunity. They are more likely to become seriously ill and end up in hospital. In addition, other viruses such as flu, RSV and colds begin to circulate in the autumn and winter season.

The autumn booster is recommended for vulnerable groups, even if they have had all past vaccinations against Covid. Because the protection of a vaccine decreases after a few months.

In addition to individual protection, vaccination also ensures that fewer people have to call their doctor or hospital. This means that healthcare providers, who are always busy in the autumn, still have enough time for people with other care needs.

Who is the vaccination intended for?

Every adult in Flanders can be vaccinated against Covid in the coming months. The vaccine will initially be offered to people over 65, people with previously identified comorbidities or weakened resistance, regardless of their age. Pregnant women, obese people and healthcare workers are also given priority. This concerns a total of about 2 million Flemish people. Because residents of residential care centers are the most vulnerable, they are the first to be affected.

Age remains the strongest risk factor for serious consequences of Covid-19, with the risk clearly increasing with increasing age. The risk of death, compared to the age category from 18 to 29 years, is 25 times higher in people in the age category from 50 to 64 years, 60 times higher in people in the age category from 65 to 74 years, 140 times higher in people in the age category of 75 to 84 years and 340 times higher in persons aged 85 and older.

Are you young and healthy but don’t want to fall ill this fall? Then of course you can also get the vaccine.

Will there be vaccination centers again?

The vaccines will be administered by general practitioners, pharmacists, home nurses and coordinating consulting physicians in residential care centers. Please note: not every pharmacist is qualified to vaccinate. On this website you can see which pharmacists administer vaccines in your area.

There will be no vaccination centers. You will also not receive a letter inviting you for the vaccination. So contact your doctor or pharmacy from the second half of September to request an appointment for vaccination. If you belong to the risk group, your GP may contact you himself. This will then determine who will be discussed and when.

An exception is Antwerp. Because there is a major shortage of people in primary care in Antwerp, the Kinepolis Vaccination Village will open for three days from October 16 for the vaccination of risk groups. They receive an invitation through their GP.

Unlike the flu vaccine, the Covid vaccine is not offered by employers, except in healthcare institutions.

How much does the corona vaccine cost?

Unlike the flu vaccine, the corona vaccine is free because it is still not freely available on the market and is purchased through the government. You only pay for a consultation with the GP.

Which vaccine is used?

Unlike previous vaccination campaigns, Pfizer/BioNTech is the only supplier this time. The corona vaccine is still an mRNA vaccine, which has now been adapted to the XBB.1.5 variant, a member of the omikron family. But the vaccine also provides good antibodies against the other, newer omikron variants of SARS-CoV-2 that are currently circulating, the vaccine builder assures.

Are there enough vaccines for everyone?

The Flemish government will receive approximately 2.8 million vaccines in September. Enough for the risk groups and others who wish to be vaccinated.

How many doses are needed?

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) recommends one dose of the vaccine.

Am I protected if I have recently had Covid?

Yes, a recent infection with SARS-CoV-2 does indeed provide protection. It is not entirely certain whether this protection is sufficient. If it has been a while since you were infected or you are extra vulnerable, it is best to be vaccinated again.

Can the Covid shot be taken together with the flu shot?

Because the Covid peak will hit before the flu epidemic, experts recommend getting the Covid vaccine by mid-October. The flu shot is only available from mid-October and flu usually only occurs at the end of the year or the beginning of next year. So November is better timing for flu vaccination. In principle, both injections can be done at the same time, but in two different arms.

2023-09-11 13:30:43
#autumn #shot #corona

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