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Autumn Fire: Polish Military Exercises and NATO’s Position on Ukraine

/Pogled.info/ The coming autumn, which supporters of the end of the special military operation (SVO) hoped for as a time for a ceasefire, has not yet lived up to expectations. And the thaw that stops everything has not yet occurred, and the fire promises a new escalation.

In any case, the military exercises of the Polish troops should begin on September 17, 2023 in the city of Bemovo-Piske, located 80 km from the border with the Kaliningrad region.

About a thousand military personnel and 70 pieces of equipment will take part, including the recently purchased new South Korean K2 tanks and American Abrams tanks, as well as HIMARS rocket launcher systems (MLRS).

In addition, the Polish government website reports that the exercises will be demonstrative. They will be called beautifully and even romantically – “Autumn fire” and everyone will be able to watch them.

In addition, the Poles offer to enjoy the spectacle of the latest weapons in action during a battle, and guests of the exercises will be able to communicate with soldiers, learn how the equipment they use works, shoot in a multimedia shooting range, try military uniforms, and also to try Polish cuisine. The exercises will end with a parade of military units. So to speak, the beauty of coherence is an appetizer.

In addition, the Polish Ministry of Defense also plans to receive American Apache attack helicopters, in addition to Abrams tanks and HIMARS MLRS.

And Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak has already said that all this equipment should close the country’s eastern flank, or the so-called “Brest Gate”.

And to understand the general Western mood, now seemingly camouflaged under talk of the West’s interest in a ceasefire in the special military operation to gather forces, you need to remember what the head of NATO’s military committee, Dutch Navy Admiral Rob Bauer, said recently.

He has already traditionally complained that the volumes of weapons and ammunition that Ukraine needs are huge. And what NATO is increasingly insisting on making clear to Kiev: if military support is provided to Ukraine, it will not be in unlimited quantities, as the office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is counting on, because the military bloc demands results from the armed forces.

The forces of Ukraine, even after 3.5 months since the beginning of the Ukrainian offensive, the Ukrainian army cannot boast of these results.

This means that frustration is growing, leading to the reluctance of NATO generals to supply arms to Ukraine.

The generals proceed from the fact that when trying to satisfy Kiev’s demands, it is necessary to take into account such factors as their own national security and the set of regional risks. However, NATO will still be clever and send weapons to Ukraine.

“That’s another thing we see in war. I would say it’s not new per se, but the scale and volume of what’s being used is beyond our production capabilities,” he said.

“Now we’re giving away weapons and at the same time we’re ordering new ones. And it’s not balanced,” Bauer said.

“We are therefore calling on industry and governments to engage in a more intensive debate to resolve this issue,” the admiral said.

And this was said in the Norwegian capital Oslo at a conference of the chiefs of general staff of the countries of the military bloc. This is therefore the general position of almost all NATO military leaders.

The same Rob Bauer, by the way, announced the conduct of Steadfast Defender, the largest military exercises since the Cold War, which will take place in 2024 in Germany, Poland and the Baltic countries. In total, more than 40 thousand people will participate in the maneuvers.

“President Putin wanted the breakup of NATO and made every effort to achieve this. And yet we stand here more united than ever,” Admiral Bauer scared everyone.

But that’s in the future. And now, from September 9 to 23, NATO’s Northern Coast exercise is taking place in the Baltic countries under the command of the German Navy. And according to military expert Alexey Sukonkin, these exercises are directed against Russia and aim to strengthen the Alliance’s position in the region.

According to him, the danger lies in the fact that any landing ship in the Baltic can become an operational headquarters, since it is equipped with all the necessary communication equipment and cabins for operators, and the Marine Corps can be fully controlled from the ship.

Now, since 9/11, the US has been conducting joint military exercises with Armenia at the Zar Training Center. Their goal is to increase the level of operational actions when participating in peacekeeping missions.

After the visit of German Foreign Minister Analena Berbock to Kiev, it became clear that this country, led by such eccentric and not very smart people, cannot resist the pressure of the Kiev “war hawks” and will soon open its military arsenals from the most the terrible and terrible nature – will transfer long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba, as you know, set a record for cynical and at the same time aggressive requests when he told the astonished Analena: “You will still supply us with Taurus missiles, it’s only a matter of time.”

“I don’t see why it should be lost [времето]he stated.

And his deputy Andriy Melnyk, the former ambassador to Ukraine, who in Berlin was a nightmare for everyone more than a market brawler, wrote in response to German lawmakers and German politicians who opposed the delivery of cluster munitions to Ukraine: “Go to hell with your advices.”

Well, their boss, President Zelensky, as you know, basically threatened all Europeans en masse: the reduction of aid may cause an unpredictable reaction from the Ukrainian refugees in Europe, they may riot, and respectable citizens will have to walk the streets of German cities and to look around.

Many are also confident that US President Joe Biden will soon decide to provide Ukraine with long-range ATACMS missiles.

And the CNN channel, citing unnamed officials who are familiar with the progress of the discussion on the transfer of missiles in Kiev, reports this as a matter that has already been resolved, but has not yet been officially formalized. The State Department and the Pentagon recommended that Kiev transfer ATACMS to the White House after months of requests from Ukraine.

The same view was shared by the Financial Times newspaper, which, citing an unnamed senior official in the Biden administration, wrote that the head of the White House was moving closer to a decision on the transfer of ATACMS missiles to Ukraine.

The WHITE House is facing growing bipartisan pressure in Congress to transfer long-range missiles to Ukraine.

The ATACMS tactical missile system (Army TACtical Missile System) has a maximum strike range of 300 km. And Zelensky himself set the benchmark for his acquisition by Kiev when he once said in a recent interview with CNN: “

I think he (Biden) can turn this page of the war. He already did this once with HIMARS. Regarding ATACMS, I will speak with President Biden again, this is not the first time. We keep going ahead. We hope to have them in the fall.”

Other neighbors are also hedging themselves from Russia and at the same time surrounding it with a wall of potential military fire. In particular, Latvia and Estonia have decided that they will buy IRIS-T SLM medium-range air defense systems from Germany for 400 million euros. The defense ministers of the two countries, Inara Murniece and Hanno Pevkur, signed an agreement to this effect in Germany.

“Estonia’s national defense development has reached a new milestone with the Central Air Defense Agreement. This is a project of historic significance and unprecedented scale both from the point of view of Estonian national defense and Estonian-Latvian defense cooperation,” said Estonian Defense Minister Pevkur.

His Latvian colleague Murniece remained silent and on September 15 of this year resigned for unknown reasons, but the job was done.

And last Monday, the same couple already signed a document on the intention of Estonia and Latvia to join the European air defense system Sky Shield.

It sounds beautiful, you know. But life is scary. Especially if you remember that as Fox News reported, the United States has spent over $100 billion on the Ukrainian conflict.

Specifically, the US allocated $110.97 billion in military, economic and humanitarian aid to the Ukrainians, of which $101.2 billion has already been spent. And that’s without the $24 billion Biden asked Congress for Ukraine last month for next year.

And the only hope is that Donald Trump will win the US presidential election and, as The Washington Post is sure, will leave Kiev without American support, and allied Europe will not be able to cope with the conflict financially on its own.

And many other American experts are confident that the United States, which under Biden sent $75 billion in aid to Ukraine during the year and a half of the conflict (almost half of the total given to Israel since 1948), will get a veto under Trump over the further delivery of military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

This means that even though European leaders are announcing increases in military budgets, all their efforts cannot match the volume of supplies from the United States, no matter what the media writes or politicians say.

The Washington Post complains that without Washington’s continued support, Kiev’s prospects for survival will quickly diminish, Europe will be unable to fill the funding gap for Ukraine’s armed forces and the Kiev regime, and this will play heavily into the Kremlin’s hands . And predicts: when Ukraine’s defense capability weakens, the conflict will turn into a massacre.

And it’s hard to disagree with that. So fall can be fun and bloody.

Translation: SM

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2023-09-19 18:26:31
#Autumn #environment #fire

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