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Autumn Festival, Sunday morning yoga at the Biodiversity Park

Two tributes, different in genre, passionate and appreciated by the public of Catanzaro: the weekend of the XXI Autumn Festival entitled “Between East and West” began yesterday with the memory of some symbolic figures of music – Lucio Dalla – and sportCesarini, Sivori and Maradona -, before dedicating himself this morning to spirituality with a yoga meeting immersed in nature, at the Biodiversity Park.

“Between East and West” continues and concludes this morning with a fantastic novelty of the Festival: with free entry, upon registration on site, starting from 10am at the Biodiversity Park there will be a meeting with the master Vincenzo Boscostudent of Sathya Sai Babafamous Indian master who later became his guru, who will lead to the rediscovery of prana and internal energy through the practice of yoga, specifically hatha yogacon “Barefoot on the grass”.

Finally, we would like to remind you that the XXI Autumn Festival is supported by the Calabria Region/Calabria Straordinaria; Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia; Municipality of Catanzaro, Carical Foundation, as well as various private bodies.

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