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Autostrade per l’Italia, Di Maio: “Revocation costs 23 billion? A huge nonsense”

Revocation and lowering of motorway tolls The Foreign Minister takes up the report of the Court of Auditors which criticizes the system of concessions by signaling imbalances that create legal uncertainty and which benefit private individuals and damage the state. “In 2020, one of the first things to be included in the government agenda – he notes – will have to be the revocation of the concessions to Aspi, with the assignment to Anas and the consequent lowering of the motorway tolls”.

We will give answers to the families of the victims and to the country “The families of the victims of the Morandi Bridge – he says Luigi Di Maio – expect a certain answer. And we will give it to you. Not just to them, but to the whole country. “

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