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Autopsy Underway for Man and Toddler Found Dead in North Jakarta Home


The bodies of a man (50) and a toddler (2) who were found dead in a house in Which, North Jakarta is currently undergoing an autopsy. Both were autopsied in Police HospitalKramat Jati, East Jakarta.

“It has arrived and is being autopsied with a very rotten condition,” said Head of the National Police Hospital, Brigadier General Hariyanto when confirmed, Sunday (29/10/2023).

Hariyanto explained that the two bodies are currently being examined for tissue samples to determine the cause of death. He estimated that the two bodies had been dead for a week.

“Microscopic (histopathological) and toxicological examinations are still being carried out. The condition is equally rotten. He has been dead for a week,” said Hariyanto.

Hariyanto also said that the condition of the victim’s wife was being treated in hospital. He said he was still weak.

“The mother is still being treated because she is weak,” said Hariyanto.

Wife Found Dead

As is known, when the bodies of the man and toddler were discovered, residents found the victim’s wife sitting in the living room near the victim. His condition is weak.

“His wife was in the living room, sitting but she was already weak,” said Sugandi (70), a neighbor in front of the victim’s house, Sunday (29/10/2023).

Sugandi explained that officers had asked the victim’s wife. However, the victim’s wife did not answer the officers’ questions.

“Excluding his mother (wife). Even (the officer) who went up asked, ‘Why are you? Your husband died and didn’t you report it to the residents?’. He (wife) just said, ‘My child, my child!’ “That’s it, you can’t ask questions,” explained Sugandi.

Sugandi also said that the victim’s child was still alive in the room. He explained that the child was finally taken by the victim’s family through the window.

“The children are in the room. That’s the one who was alive, one died. So I want to remove the father’s obstacles, the father is big, maybe he (the child) can’t take a step,” said Suhandi.

(one by one)

2023-10-29 16:31:19

#Police #Hospital #Man #Toddler #Rotting #Koja #Dead #Week

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