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Autonomy: FI-Lega clash. Tajani: “I vote further”. Molinari, agreements are respected regarding times

After days in which the agreement on autonomy seemed to hold, the clash between Forza Italia and the League over the timing of the reform comes to light. No rush, says the Forza Italia secretary Antonio Tajani. The agreements are respected, the reply of the Northern League group leader in the Chamber Riccardo Molinari. While also the governor Luca Zaia while recognizing the need for a debate, he reiterates that only the timing of its implementation needs to be monitored.

The back and forth, in clear, between the majority parties, comes in the aftermath of the Prime Minister’s words Giorgia Meloni, which Vinitaly had admitted the probable postponement until after the Europeans. Words that had highlighted the fracture within the League, with the group leader in the Constitutional Affairs commission Igor Iezzi who had all in all welcomed the probable postponement – “Week more, week less…” – which was instead stopped by the President of the Chamber, the Salvinian Lorenzo Fontana.

Tajani takes his time

“Autonomy must not be a reform to the advantage of one and to the disadvantage of the other. And we think it should benefit everyone, from Bolzano to Pantelleria. We will monitor this. Even if I believe that the vote will be later.” The secretary of Forza Italia Antonio Tajani said this at the press conference for the presentation of the agreement with SVP. What if the times will be extended? “It is important that there is space for an in-depth debate – he specified -. In Fi there are no bad feelings. We ask for differentiated autonomy that is not to the detriment of one party compared to the other”.

Molinari: “The agreements are respected on time”

“Let’s say that there is a majority agreement which provides for the Autonomy to begin its discussion in the Chamber on April 29th. And we expect everyone to maintain the commitment made both by the conference of group leaders, despite the protests of the opposition, both for what was the agreement between the center-right leaders”, says the leader of the League in the Chamber Riccardo Molinari on the sidelines of a press conference in the Chamber. “We – he added – have given the green light in the Senate Commission on the Prime Ministership. The agreements are respected”.

To those who asked if there were tensions with Forza Italia, Molinari replied: “I don’t think so”. “Also because – he explained – the provision spent eight months in the Senate and was dissected and modified also by incorporating the requests of both FdI and FI. So there is an agreement that provides that it will arrive in the Chamber on the 29th”.

“Last time we elected many MEPs, – he continued – also considering the result we obtained. All the outgoing people are in fact re-nominated except those who did not want to run again. There is certainly a precedence for the historical militants and the outgoing parliamentarians, It’s also possible that there could be some external players on the lists.” So to those who ask him about the possible candidacy of General Vannacci. “It’s an assessment that the secretary must make. It’s an exchange that the two of them have.”

Zaia: “Only the timing of its implementation needs to be monitored”

On differentiated autonomy “it is right that there is a debate and it is right that all those proposals that do not represent work of obstruction to the project, but of improvement are accepted” says the president of Veneto, Luca Zaia, “but, as regards supervision, there is no need: it is everyone’s autonomy, there is no political party that wants to escape with the “loot” but we are simply doing a national project that is for everyone, from Campione d’Italia to Canicattì”.

The Northern League governor spoke about it today on the sidelines of Vinitaly in Verona. “And on the timing – he concluded – I think that Parliament is autonomous and independent, we must remain in obsequious respect for the timing of Parliament itself, but let it be known that this is a serious project and not for ‘runaways’. Ours territory awaits and asks us for this reform”.

Over 2,400 amendments filed, none of them a majority

According to what we understand, there are over 2,400 amendments filed in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber on the Autonomy bill at the end of the 5pm deadline. No modification proposals come from majority groups.

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– 2024-05-03 13:44:29

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