Automation of subject indexing with semantic web technology
By Ralph Hafner and Bernd Schelling
This article would like to present an approach that shows how the library of the University of Konstanz – and other libraries with a house system – can stick to their own system and still benefit from the subject indexing work of other libraries. A concept is presented that shows how similarity relations between verbal subject indexing, RVK, DDC and in-house systematics can be created using semantic web technology, which allow subject indexing information to be translated into other classification systems and thus make automation in subject indexing possible
Subject indexing, content indexing, automation, classification, semantic web, linked data, verbal subject indexing, DDC, RVK, in-house system, Konstanz system, info: eu-repo / classification / ddc / 020
Year: 2015
DOI identify: 10.5282/o-bib/2015H4S161-175
OAI identify:
oai: 123456789/32708
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