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Automated enrollments in the 2021/22 teaching role, how they work: FAQ and video tutorials of the Ministry

Entries in the role of teachers school year 2021/22: the Ministry of Education publishes the FAQ and a video tutorial that represents the entire process. The guide to the presentation of the request for the choice of the province and teaching has already been published in recent days


How does the Automated Appointments in Role process work?
The offices define a round of convocation by identifying the recruitment channel, the rankings, the courses and the candidates. They establish the dates of availability to submit the application for identification on the province and teaching and in this period the aspirants must apply. The phase of identification on the province and teaching is then elaborated and the aspiring recipients of an appointment proposal are reached by a communication. The offices record the dates to submit the application for the assignment of the site and the applicants identified in the first phase must make a new application to express the preferences of the site. The seat assignment phase is processed and all applicants will be notified of the assigned seat.

Who participates in the first phase (Identification of the province and teaching)?
All teachers present in the rankings of origin for the courses that the competent office has foreseen in the round and if in a useful position among those that the office has indicated for the round of convocation will participate.

Who participates in the second phase (Location assignment)?
All teachers identified in the previous phase will participate (Identification by province and teaching).

From which types of rankings can teachers be called?
Teachers included in the Final Rankings and in the merit rankings of the 2016, 2018 competitions, additional bracket, Extraordinary Procedure 2021, can be summoned.

Are educational staff also treated?
No, the platform is intended only for the entry into the role of teaching staff.

If I have a technical problem who can I contact?
The telephone number 080-9267603 is available, from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 18:30.

Where can I log in to apply?
It is accessed from On Line Instances.
The first instance: “Computerized Appointments In Role – Expression of preferences in the province-class of competition / type of place”
The second instance: “Computerization of Appointments In Role – Expression of headquarters preferences”.

What should I do if I have problems accessing OnLine Instances?
You must access the access page of the Instanze OnLine platform and consult the “Assistance” section.

From when can I access the application for Computerization Appointments In Role – Expression of preferences of the province-class of competition / type of place?
Each office determines the period of availability of the instance.

From when can I access the Application for Computerization Appointments In Role – Expression of seat preferences?
Each office determines the period of availability of the instance.

Why, by accessing the application, the system prompts me the message “Attention, at the moment, there are no open Shifts for the presentation of the application”? Is a mistake.
This is not an error, it means that you cannot participate in any summoning round.

How can I find out in OnLine Instances if I can apply?
Try to consult the website of the Regional School Office and follow the instructions you find published. In any case, remember, when you can apply, you will find the indication of the shift and the period in which you can apply.

I am included in both the merit and GaE rankings, can I submit only one application?
No, the calls for merit and GaE rankings are separate, so you will have to submit
distinct questions.

I am included in both the merit and GaE rankings, do I have to apply even if I have only one province and teaching?
Yes, otherwise you will be treated as absent from the identification procedure (Office phase).

In the questions do I find all the courses for which I am included in the rankings?
No, you will only have to apply for courses that are part of that round of convocation, as established by the school office.

I learned that the call has been opened for a recruitment channel (merit rankings / GaE) and a course in which I am included, but I cannot find the possibility to apply. Is a mistake?
No, it is possible that the office has convened a range of ranking positions in which you are not included.

If I am summoned and I submit an application, am I sure that I will be the recipient of a proposal for a permanent appointment?
No, the number of candidates identified to participate in the convocation is higher than the number of entries in the role to be made. Therefore, participation in the call does not constitute a commitment for the administration for the purpose of appointment to the role, which in any case remains subject to the number of places available and the possible placement of the individual candidate in a useful position.

I am included with reservation, can I apply?
If from Instanze OnLine you have the possibility to access the shift, then you can apply. conditional inclusions are marked with an “*” (asterisk). Remember that in the case of inclusion with reserve, participation takes place with reserve and the Ministry of Education reserves the right not to proceed with any entry into the role.

If I have been summoned and do not apply, what happens?
You will be treated ex officio.

For each round of call, how many nomination proposals will I be able to receive if I am included in several courses and / or more types of rankings in the case of merit rankings?
You will receive only one nomination proposal, obviously if you are in a position to obtain an identification.

When I enter the application, the system lists all the provinces and teachings, what should I do?
You must put in order of preference all the provinces and the teachings that are proposed to you, using the arrows; if you do not want to participate for some of them you have to give up, by clicking on the trash can icon.

With what criteria will I participate in the elaboration of the identification phase on the province and teaching?
The system, according to your ranking position and available places, will attempt to assign the province-teaching following the order of preference you expressed in the application.

If I give up a proposed province-teaching and at the time of my identification only that place is available, what happens? Will I be the recipient of the nomination proposal even if I have given up?
No, you will not be satisfied.

What happens if I give up all the teaching provinces proposed? Will I receive a nomination proposal if I am in a position useful for the nomination?
No, you will not be satisfied.

I have to apply for kindergarten / primary school and among the teaching provinces I find some types of jobs that I do not know. What are?
If the school office has decided to include in the shift also the call for the appointment on special seat types / differentiated teaching methods, you will have to give up all those for which you do not have the teaching qualification, while you will have to indicate the details in the declaration section of the degree you have obtained.

I don’t know / don’t remember the meaning of special places / for differentiated teaching methods, how can I do?
With the mouse, hover over the “i” and you will be able to view the type of place referred to.

Do I have to enter the personal code to submit / cancel the submission of the application?
No, you don’t need a personal code.

I submitted the application, but I was wrong to indicate a preference, what should I do?
You must cancel the submission, update the application and submit again.

I canceled the application and then forgot to submit it again. Does the system automatically take the last question submitted?
No, for the purposes of the procedure for identifying the province-teaching, if in a useful position in the ranking, you will be treated ex officio.

Ministry video tutorial

Entries in the role of teachers 2021, the platform for choosing the province / class of competition has been uploaded to Online Instances. GUIDE to compilation

The section of Orizzonte Scuola dedicated to job hiring


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