With almost 117 million contracts concluded in 2020, motor vehicle insurance is the largest division in property and casualty insurance in Germany. With so many contracts, there is a very wide range of insurers and their services. But which points should I pay particular attention to when taking out car insurance and how can I save premiums here? We have the Insurance experts out Miltenberg, Turkan Yilmaz, asked about it.
How important is it to have a personal contact?
Generally it is comfortable for Insurance to have a personal contact person. He usually knows his way around better and can advise accordingly. You can only get tips and tricks from him. Professional processing is extremely important, especially in the event of a claim. In our opinion, you will only get something like this if there is a local office with regular opening hours as a contact point. Therefore, pay attention to the local conditions (location) under which this is the case with your supervisor.
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What protection do I have abroad?
If you drive abroad with your car, you should take the “Green Card” (IVK) with you. It’s free on your own Car insurance with it. The German Liability insurance The green card is valid within the geographical borders of Europe, as well as the non-European borders that belong to the EU. What the comprehensive insurance conditions look like varies from insurer to insurer. Attention: The countries in which you have insurance cover also depend on the company in question. Beyond the non-European borders of the EU, the insurance for the vehicle only in the countries that are marked on the green card and not crossed out.