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Auto industry expert begins with public dismantling> Teslamag.de

New owners of one of Tesla’s electric cars are joking around and report about it, but only very few are likely to be as heartless with it as Sandy Munro. The auto industry veteran and today’s consultant disassembles everything sent to him to analyze design and costs. A red Tesla Model Y has just arrived for this, which Munro says want to see several customers disassembled. And as promised, he reports on his work on the Internet, although not quite live yet.

Bright red Tesla in parts

At the announcement at the end of March, it was not entirely certain whether Munro would not allow himself a little April joke, because he named the first of the month as the date for the delivery of the latest Tesla. But as current videos on the new Munro website show live, the Model Y is really there now – in bright red for an additional $ 2,000, although the electric car is supposed to end in parts.

During a first tour (with a corona mask and gloves) Munro is impressed. He discovers an odd slit in the back right, but finds the dimensions overall successful. He says that the flat trunk is “like a Bentley” because you can simply put luggage in, and he praises the amount of space under the rear floor that can be folded up.

In the next video, Model Y is washed and Munro explains that he would normally have taken a white car. He reads a few measurements of the body – not without tolerances, but no comparison to early Model 3, as he says, and even perfect behind the trunk lid. Munro still sees room for improvement.

Attachment to model Y is missing

In a third video, Munro takes a closer look at the manufacturing quality and realizes that a fastening of the frunk cover has broken off – and then the frunk no longer closes. More on that later, the video concludes, and the last one for now begins with the Tesla Model Y on the lift and the suspension of a Model 3 on a workbench for comparison. Some elements have been changed by Tesla, Munro explains and shows. On Model Y on the stage, he even finds a wishbone that says Model 3.

That was it for the time being, but the live homepage says “Live disassembly is about to begin,” and there are still no signs that a paid service is planned for it. So the internet public will probably be able to watch the work directly, at least in part. This leaves open the question of what Munro’s paying customers think of the business-relevant Tesla information becoming public – perhaps they weren’t willing to pay its price for exclusivity.

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