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Auto gas price set a record in Ukraine

Photo: oilnews.com.ua

Gas prices continue to rise at gas stations

Since the beginning of July, the average cost of autogas in wholesale has increased by UAH 8,140 / t – up to UAH 31,750 / t. The retail price jumped by 3.22 UAH / liter.

Liquefied gas at Ukrainian filling stations has reached a new record average retail price – UAH 18.59 per liter. On Monday, November 8, reports Encorr with reference to the data of the consulting group A-95.

Since November 5, prices have increased by an average of 14 kopecks / liter. The resource price in premium networks also broke the record in the entire tracking history.

So, OKKO set the price of 19.49 UAH / l (+50 kopecks / l), WOG – 19.48 UAH / l (+50 kopecks / l).

SOCAR raised prices for the product by 10 kopecks / l to 19.08 UAH / l, and Parallel – by 30 kopecks / l to 19.29 UAH / l. Avtotrans, Quorum and Motto have adjusted prices upward within the range of 5-15 kopecks / liter.

Meanwhile, despite the market conjuncture, Chipo and Mango chains on average reduced prices by 3 and 8 kopecks / l, respectively.

It is noted that from July 1 to November 8, the average cost of autogas in wholesale increased by UAH 8,140 / t, to UAH 31,750 / t, in retail – by UAH 3.22 / l.

Infographics: Enkorr

Earlier it was reported that the government does not yet see the need in the regulation of auto gas prices by analogy with other fuels.

On May 15, the Cabinet of Ministers introduced a state regulation of retail prices for gasoline and diesel fuel… The maximum retail markup was introduced in the amount of 5 hryvnia for gasoline and 7 hryvnia for diesel. According to the decree, Naftogaz submits calculations to the Ministry of Economy on a monthly basis until the 1st, 11th and 21st.

Cabinet postponed technical regulations for liquefied gas

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