doubt justice was done, the penaltyis that little anthony does notis among us, but sincewherever he is, he’s surecelebrating.andrea: listen to this story,is captured in taking theharrowing rescue of a childautistic of 13 myths that islost on some train tracksclose to the city of newyork, from the big applewhite has us alldetails.white: a story that couldhave ended in tragedywhich fortunately can betell like a storyit only cost you aI scratch this little thatI was playing in this parkmade it across these rails, andwas rescued from these railsof trains, who better than yourmom, who is with usto tell us what waspassed.>> at this time i was inthe park with the child, and IJust a few seconds. whenamazing n the park with himboy, and me — white:— white: it’s amazingsee how he is creature of threeyears suffering from autismwas on the rails and twotrains were one towards thenorth, another to the south,aware of their presence, andbrake, and manage to rescue thechild. tell us when yougather for him the happiness thatyou had at that time, tell ushow did you feel>> happiness, i don’t know howdescribe it, I almost lost theconscience, I lost a little,It was something unimaginable, I didn’tI thought I rescued the child,how they found it, the only thingwhat mattered to me is that the childI was safe that I didn’t havenothing, I saw him playing happily.white: thanks for talking tous and share yourexperience, because I always knowlearn from this kind ofexperiences, and above allcongratulate you on having yoursafe and sound childcommented that fortunatelythe child only presented ascratch, a story that isreally amazing over allshe is very happy
2023-04-26 19:11:00
#distracted #tree #mother #3yearold #boy #rescued #train #tracks #York #speaks