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Authority verifies that in Teodoro Maldonado Carbo hospital there is little medicine | Community | Guayaquil

Ana takes her package of gauze, tape and a bottle of alcohol three times a week to the Teodoro Maldonado Carbo hospital in the south, where her 77-year-old sister is on dialysis to continue living.

The woman, outraged, says that these basic supplies have been denied in the dialysis room of that hospital, so she prefers to be prepared.

This newspaper, in the editions of last Monday and Tuesday, showed discomfort of affiliates and retirees due to the continuous lack of medicines, deficiencies in the attention given in centers of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS).

Ana, like other family members of patients, on Tuesday they made a sit-in in that hospital to demand that they be given urgent medication.

In that dialysis room, more than 120 patients are treated in three shifts per week. There it was reported that inputs are used that are not adequate. For example, a man who was prescribed filter 13 for dialysis was given one of 18.

“That man was exhausted, even in wheelchairs because the pumping of blood is very strong, that hurts his heart,” lamented his family.

At the insistence of those affected, Fadul Jurado, manager of that hospital, approached to talk with them and said there is no shortage.

After a few minutes, Governor Pedro Pablo Duart arrived at that hospital, listened to complaints of lack of inputs and asked to see the winery immediately, however, the key keeper did not appear which increased the outrage of patients and family members.

Upon entering, Duart could see boxes in which there were hoses for sera, bicarbonates and acids for dialysis treatment.

He asked to be shown the gauze envelope but was told that there was none, that it was handled by the central warehouse.

“I visited the winery and there are no necessary materials,” said Duart, who notified the president of IESS, Paúl Granda, about what happened.

In addition, it gave a period of one hour for the provision of these inputs to the cellar of that room and provide adequate attention.

Waldemar Vera, husband of Francisca Bazurto, added that the lack of supplies and medicines in the unit worsened since last November.

“There is no vitamin C or complex B, we do not have injections for the blood. They give us some Chinese. There is no tape, nothing, not even for exams, ”he said.

Vera said that for this and other problems the director of that unit resigned last week. He also argued that the nephrologist will retire in February and that this represents a risk for the treatment of patients because they do not know who will occupy that position.

“They tell us that there are medicines, but in pharmacy they tell us otherwise. Authorities have to come by surprise to realize what we suffer, ”said Ana.

In the afternoon, Fadul Jurado said that this Wednesday it is expected that additional supplies such as tape, masks, gloves will arrive at the hospital. (I)

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