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Authorities should know who has custody of children | Switzerland

SWITZERLAND [NEWS SERVICE] ⋅ Who has parental custody of a child? In future, this information is to be included in the cantonal residents’ registers so that the authorities can reliably determine this.

(help) Authorities and institutions such as passport offices, border authorities, hospitals or schools today cannot clearly find out who is the holder of parental custody. The regulation of custody is therefore often unclear. This is shown by feedback from practice. The Federal Council therefore sees a clear need for action.

In a postulate report published on Wednesday, various possible solutions are being examined as to how the situation can be improved. The Federal Council sees a simple and pragmatic solution in including custody in the cantonal register of residents. This would give the authorities the opportunity to get the information they need through the residents’ services.

Feasibility study should bring clarification

The Federal Council wants to pursue this approach and has commissioned the Department of Justice to carry out a feasibility study. This should show by mid-2022 which steps would be necessary for this and which technical prerequisites would have to be created.

Parental custody gives the parent with custody responsibility for the upbringing of the child. This also includes the right to determine the child’s whereabouts. That is why it has to be proven again and again who has custody – for example to the school, a hospital or when traveling abroad.

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