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Authorities of Early Childhood Education and Segpres launch #DameEsosCinco, innovation with advice for the well-being of children via WhatsApp

By completing a form in less than two minutes, families can register and be part of #DameEsosCinco, a joint initiative of the Undersecretariat of Early Childhood Education, together with the Government Laboratory -institution under the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency, Segpres-, which It will allow mothers, fathers and adults caring for children to receive advice and teaching materials via WhatsApp to promote early childhood development at home. Caregivers will be able to access specially designed content, which invites them to carry out different activities, such as moving the body, reading together, telling anecdotes and talking about emotions, which are directly related to promoting social-emotional development and well-being through activities, stories , videos and songs.

This morning, at the “Karu Peumayen” kindergarten in Conchalí, the Undersecretary of Early Childhood Education, María Jesús Honorato, together with the Undersecretary Segpres, Máximo Pavez, and the Executive Vice President of JUNJI, Adriana Gaete, led the presentation of the innovative initiative that it will allow reaching thousands of families with simple and powerful actions focused on highlighting and putting the well-being of girls and boys at the center. In the establishment they shared with the educational community and explained the scope of the program, which is inspired by the “5 Principles”, a campaign of the Undersecretariat of Early Childhood Education that proposes five simple and powerful actions that positively impact early childhood .

“The context we live in obliges us to constantly continue multiplying our efforts to ensure access for girls and boys to early childhood education, through quality interactions that allow them to learn and develop in an integral way. In this sense, ‘Give Me Those Five’ is an innovation that allows us to reach families, with advice for parenting, promoting good treatment and strengthening attachment, key aspects for the well-being of girls and boys ”, highlighted the undersecretary of Early Childhood Education, María Jesús Honorato.

“This new digital service is a response developed by the Government Laboratory together with the Undersecretariat for Early Childhood Education, which goes directly to help parents with children under 3 years of age to help their children even more in the middle of the pandemic. The great results of the pilot made that, as a government, we made the decision to scale up this public innovation, ”said Segpres Undersecretary, Máximo Pavez.

Dame Esos Cinco, whose pilot stage during 2020 showed good results, meant that, of the almost 5,000 people who were part (kindergarten families Via Transfer of Funds, VTF), there were positive and significant impacts in the four measured domains: Capacity, Opportunity, Motivation and Behavior. Thus, for example, the impact on the proportion of caregivers who read together with the boys and girls was more than 32%, compared to the group that was not there during the five weeks of intervention.

Also, playing by moving the body had a significant impact of 8.5%, which is key to strengthening the importance of movement for the development of girls and boys. This, among several other aspects, that reflect changes in families in their probability of favoring the development of girls and boys at home through actions related to the 5 principles, and that made the program escalate to this new stage, where opens registration to all families who wish.

“Give Me Those Five” works through the WhatsApp application, it is easy to use and allows you to send advice and also receive feedback responding to the needs of families. To bring these tips and recommendations closer together, in addition to information, it is also complemented with interactive activities and audiovisual resources, making it closer and more attractive. To register, just register on the web www.5principios.cl or directly in: https://bit.ly/3v6gvOO.

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