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Authorities monitor the fall of lahar on the Agua, Fuego and Santiaguito volcanoes

As a protective measure against the rains that are affecting Guatemala, the authorities made a search flight in volcanic areas to monitor the risk of lahars.

The study was carried out on the volcanoes of Inverness Water, fire and Santiagowith the participation of representatives from Army of Guatemalathe COMMUNICATION and the INSIVOMEH.

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Risk assessment in volcanic areas

The transfer allowed us the levels of danger in the communities near the Colossi. The goal is to prepare immediate response plans in case of emergency. This is the a second study done a few weeks ago, because the rain continue and the winter is expected to extend until November.

CONRED and the Army monitor volcanic areas to assess risks from lahars.

Lahars in Santiaguito volcano

The COMMUNICATION report on the decline of lahares on the volcano Santiagoespecially in the A dry ditchtributary of River Drum. These streams carry a variety of water, rocks up to one meter in diameter and fine sediments. If the rain continues, they could breed more days in other channels.

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