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Authorities Confirm Montserrat Juárez Gómez Died from Multiple Trauma, Not Natural Causes

Mexico City – Montserrat Juárez Gómez died from multiple trauma and not from natural causes as authorities from the capital’s Citizen Security Secretariat (SSC-CDMX) and the CDMX Attorney General’s Office (FGJ-CDMX) had initially declared.

Ulises Lara López, spokesperson for the FGJ, indicated that the autopsy performed on Montserrat revealed that the cause of death was multiple trauma.

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The 25-year-old girl suffered several blows, including at least one that would have caused her death last Friday in an apartment in the Lago de Chalco Housing Unit, in Colonia Anáhuac, Miguel Hidalgo Mayor’s Office.

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Sean Ángel and his father, César “N”, would have tried to pass off the femicide as a natural death.

They informed ERUM paramedics that Montserrat Juárez had fainted and was suffering from nutritional and respiratory problems, according to a statement from the SSC-CDMX. In said document, they reported that, like FGJ-CDMX personnel, they found no signs of violence.

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But after a video was released in which the two men, with the help of a police officer, lowered the young woman’s wrapped body down some stairs, and after realizing that the young woman had a search card, they went to the funeral home where they intended to cremate her, to rescue the body and perform the corresponding autopsy.

The young woman’s parents came to identify Montserrat’s body at INCIFO after they had stopped seeing her for several months, which was handed over this morning.

FGJ begins investigation into irregularities

The Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City (FGJ) reported that the Internal Affairs area began an investigation into possible irregularities that occurred around the case of Montserrat Juárez Gómez, whose case was not investigated from the beginning as feminicide.

Lara López pointed out that they began the internal investigation file to determine responsibilities.

“If the commission of anomalies is proven, report it to the Prosecutor’s Office for the Investigation of Crimes Committed by Public Servants and will not tolerate under any circumstances any conduct outside the law,” he said.

“To this end, the Internal Affairs Unit has carried out various procedures in the housing complex and the funeral agency, which includes the analysis of images from both private and public video surveillance cameras, including recordings inside the Prosecutor’s Office of Territorial Investigation in Miguel Hidalgo”, he added.

He said that they have carried out investigations at the place where she was allegedly murdered as well as at the funeral home where Sean intended to cremate her. This in order to be able to find elements that will allow them to obtain an arrest warrant against the possible feminicide.

Thanks to the fact that a video went viral in which two men and a police officer remove the body of Montserrat Juárez from a building in Miguel Hidalgo, the case began to be thoroughly investigated. The autopsy revealed that she was beaten to death.(Agencia Reforma)

Montserrat was farewelled by relatives in the municipality of Hueypoxtlan, Edomex, where she lived her first years of life.

The body of the 25-year-old girl, a victim of femicide in the Lago de Chalco Housing Unit in the Colonia Anáhuac, in the Miguel Hidalgo Mayor’s Office, was delivered this Monday morning to her parents.

Armando Juárez and Rosa Icela Gómez, parents of the young woman, waited during the night of Sunday and the early hours of Monday to be able to recognize her body at the INCIFO, and once they recognized her, to have it handed over to them after performing the autopsy. of rigor.

The young woman’s family asks for justice so that the case does not go unpunished because the autopsy revealed that she died from multiple trauma. The parents claim that she had multiple injuries with a sharp weapon and signs of a possible hanging.

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2023-09-26 15:36:55
#Montserrat #Juárez #case #feminicide #discovered #viral #video #autopsy #reveals #beating

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