The petrol thief is revealed to be driving a diesel car, stops and is arrested

The petrol thief is revealed to be driving a diesel car, stops and is arrested

Law enforcement ANNOUNCEMENTS•today, 01:08 Officers arrested a petrol thief in Breda on New Year’s Eve who was stranded at the petrol station shortly after his action. The man was found to have filled the tank of his diesel car with petrol. As a result, the car could not continue driving. According to the police, the … Read more

Louis Alexandre, actor and director from Chartres, is third in the Eurélien competition of the year 2022

Louis Alexandre, actor and director from Chartres, is third in the Eurélien competition of the year 2022

Arriving in third place, Louis Alexandre, who dreams of the seventh art, is very proud to have collected 116 votes. “At first I didn’t know I was in this competition, but in the end I’m happy to see that we have marked the Chartrains and the people of Eure-et-Loir with everything I’ve been able to … Read more

Ukraine takes revenge on Israel at the UN, that’s how

Ukraine takes revenge on Israel at the UN, that’s how

Loading… Ukrainian Ambassador to the United Nations Sergiy Kyslytsya speaks during an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in New York City, the United States, March 4, 2022. PHOTO/REUTERS/Carlo Merry NEW YORK – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made the UN vote on Israel a way to … Read more

Sports shots –

Sports shots –

The 2022 sports year was tough from start to finish due to many major events. The Olympics at the beginning, the European football championships in the middle and a World Cup with Lionel Messi and his companions. In the end, he not only asked the athletes for everything, but also the photographers, as evidenced by … Read more

“No one can be saved alone. Starting afresh from Covid-19 to chart peace paths together” – The most important news from Corrientes

“No one can be saved alone. Starting afresh from Covid-19 to chart peace paths together” – The most important news from Corrientes

Brethren, as to the time and the moment, it is not necessary for me to write to you. You know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the middle of the night” (First letter of Saint Paul to the Thessalonians 5,1-2). With these words, the Apostle Paul invited … Read more