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Austrian Scandal Involving Latvian Woman and Russian Oligarch: Potential Resumption of Legal Proceedings

Una Saukuma did not respond to the calls of “Neka personalisa”. The public registers of Latvia show that the woman had debts and the bailiff tried to collect the money. According to several Austrian media, the legal proceedings against the Latvian relative of the pseudo-Russian oligarch could possibly resume. The politicians of the Freedom Party, involved in the scandal, are most likely interested in this, because elections are expected again in Austria next year. It is promised that the suspects could be charged with using a forged document, unauthorized sound recordings and criminal data processing with intent to profit or cause harm.

Elina Wroblevska

Associate researcher at the Institute of Foreign Policy of Latvia

“To me, it looked more like the internal political struggles of the Austrian parties or the struggles of individuals. To be honest, this could not be an order from the Kremlin, because the “Freedom Party” is extremely pro-Kremlin and it would not be beneficial for the Kremlin to see this coalition fall apart. [“Nekā personīga”]: Maybe someone who is against these parties? Maybe someone who was biased against certain individuals, against the fact that certain economic resources would end up in their private pockets and then wanted to push them aside a little bit, or it’s just political party fights.”

“[“Nekā personīga”]: But that’s what we imagine – one of the highest state officials openly talks in a private conversation about the funds, where it is possible to transfer the money. How to influence the media environment so that it looks like Hungary. That it is similar to those “Rīdzenes” talks that took place here in Latvia. [Vrobļevska]: Exactly, and its parallels are, of course, very ironic and it is very ironic that a Latvian citizen is involved. Well, it paints an almost parallel world where we still live in some sort of Cold War or post-Soviet reality. Where there is still some group of interested people and persons who behind the scenes actually manage the entire economy and all the politics, and in fact that composition has not really changed, and the ideals that we maybe defend, that we propagate extremely well in a good way – that they in fact there is such a facade. And in reality, everything is happening inside as it has always happened,” says the associate researcher of the Institute of Foreign Policy of Latvia.

The Austrian detective claims that the Latvian woman seen in the video was once declared an international wanted man. The Latvian police did not provide us with an official confirmation of this. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution also refused to comment on possible cooperation with Austrian colleagues.

It is interesting that an article defending Austrian politicians about a fraudster from Latvia was published this week by the NRA.LV portal. And its author is Ludmila Pribilska. She is one of the 14 defendants in the case of violating European Union sanctions by cooperating with the resources “Sputnik” and “Baltnews” subordinate to the Kremlin’s propaganda agency “Rossiya Segodnya”. And Pribilska is included in the “Mirotvorec” register because of her views and pro-Russian publications. This is a list prepared by Ukraine of pro-Russian activists abroad.

2023-09-24 17:51:55
#Posing #relative #Russian #oligarch #Latvian #provokes #political #crisis #Austria

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