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Austria is lagging behind when it comes to innovative start-ups

The scientific and technological Performance Austria is in international comparison solid. That goes from the current report of the Council for Research and Technology development forth. Nevertheless, the domestic FTI system (research, technology and innovation) needs to catch up in some areas.

Vulnerabilities can be found particularly in the area of ​​innovative Business start-ups. Also the cross-cutting issues digitalization and environmental and climate protection are in Austria treated only modestly according to the council.

International networking is great

Is particularly strong Austria however, with regard to international networking and the high RTI support for existing companies and their companies Performance. R&D funding (research and development) also stands out, which is above average in Germany. A similarly good rating applies to the attractiveness of the business location.

In the international comparison is the FTI performance Austria generally well positioned in these 4 of 14 areas. The distance to other countries is only small in 3 areas. There are still construction sites in 7 areas, starting with parts of the Education system about the framework conditions for universities right up to the start-up process and with regard to gender equality.

Global comparison

Except for the area of ​​start-ups and growth, the average domestic performance level is in the comparison almost always better with the EU countries. In the areas of regulation and taxes, digitalization, Environment and climate as well as gender equality Austria here below the average, but only slightly.

In the worldwide comparison however counts Austria Best performers in just two areas: in corporate research and innovation and in R&D financing. The leading innovation countries include Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Netherlands. Basically, the strengths and weaknesses Austria according to the Council for Research and Technology development but in balance.

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