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Australian Open: Shabo Derby loses to supernova Schwarzman and loses qualifier_Karatsev

Original title: Australian Open: Shabo derby loses to supernova Schwarzman and loses qualifier

Sohu Sports News Beijing time on February 12, the 2021 season tennis Grand Slam Australian Open ended the fifth day of contention, in the third round of men’s singles, the 11th seed Shapovalov was 0-3 in the derby. The enemy Eliasim, who made his first career in the fourth round of the Australian Open. No. 8 seed Schwarzman broke out, losing to qualifier Karatsev 3-6/3-6/3-6, and No. 14 seed Raonic defeated Fočovic 3-1.

Eliasim 3-0 Shapovalov (7-5/7-5/6-3)

This game is a duel of the top Canadian players of the new generation. Shapovalov is the 11th seed of the Australian Open. He defeated Italian supernova Cinna 3-2 in the first round and defeated Tomic in the second round. In the third round, Shapovalov met Eliasim, who is also a newly emerging supernova in Canada. The two have met 4 times before, and Shapovalov has the advantage of 3-1 losses.

In the first set, the opening scores of their respective guards came to a 3-3 tie. In the seventh game, Shapovalov took the lead to get a chance, forced a break point and scored a volley to complete the break. In the eighth game, Eliasim He quickly counterattacked and scored 4 points in a row to break the 4-4 tie. After that, Eliasim kept serving a 6-5 lead, and Shapovalov had to serve in the next round. Eliasim shot consecutive fore-time winning points on the bottom line and held 40-0 consecutive break points. It is also an inventory, Shapovalov then lost the game against the net, 7-5 Eliasim won the first set.

In the second set, the scores of their respective guards came to a 2-2 tie. In the fifth round, Shapovalov won the round with 40-15 consecutive break points, and then secured a 4-2 lead. Eliasim, who was behind, launched a counterattack. In the eighth game, he broke the score to a 4-4 tie. In the end of the game, Eliasim regained his advantage and won the second set with a break 7-5 in the 12th game. Victory, the total score came to a 2-0 lead.

In the third set, Shapovalov’s fighting spirit, who lost two sets in a row, declined faster, while Eliasim was more and more courageous in the Vietnam War, and the opening broke to keep a 3-0 lead. Since then, Eliasim has withstood the opponent’s counterattack, consecutively secured 6-3 to win the third set, with a total score of 3-0 and won the first round of the Australian Open men’s singles fourth round.

Schwarzman 0-3 Karatsev (3-6/3-6/3-6)

Argentine player Schwarzman entered the peak of his career last season. After defeating Nadal for the first time in Rome, the French Open made a break into the semi-finals, ranked among the top ten for the first time in his career, and won a place in the year-end finals for the first time. In this station, Schwarzman played as the 8th seed in the Australian Open. The first two consecutive rounds of victory over Imel and Miller, the third round opponent is the qualifying qualifying Karatsev, the latter also entered the Grand Slam for the first time .

In the first game, Schwarzman was slow in the first game. After Karatsev easily secured the first game, he played high-quality serve consecutively in the second game. Schwarzman was forced to make frequent mistakes. Karatsev 40-15 consecutive break points won the game, and then guaranteed a 3-0 start. In the fourth game, Karatsev got another break point opportunity. Schwarzman then used tactics to score consecutive points. The backward Argentines struggled to counterattack. Karatsev secured 6-3 to win the first set.

In the second set, Schwarzman tried to speed up his opponent. After the first game, Schwarzman had an interactive break point opportunity in the second game. Karatsev then continued to secure serve by scoring the serve. Schwarzman in the fourth game Attacking the opponent again, there is still no chance at the break point. After failing to break, Schwarzman’s serve was hit by opponents. In the fifth game, he scored 4 points to break serve. In the eighth game, Schwarzman wasted three more break point opportunities. Karatsev broke serve in the ninth game and won 6-3. Victory in the second set, leading 2-0 in total.

In the third set, Schwarzman broke serve as soon as he came up in the first game, but the poor serve state in the second game failed to keep the serve, and Karatsev quickly completed a 1-1 tie. After that, Karatsev hit a climax, and even guaranteed a 4-1 lead. In the seventh game, Schwarzman had the last counterattack opportunity. He could not win the game with a continuous 40-0 break point. Karatsev Taking advantage of the situation, he made a 6-3 win in the third set. With a total score of 3-0, Schwarzman was knocked out of the game, and he advanced to the top 16 to continue to refresh his personal Grand Slam record.

Raonic 3-1 Focovic (7-6/5-7/6-2/6-2)

Canadian star Raonic is the 14th seed in the tournament. He won the first two consecutive rounds of Coria and Mutai. In the third round, his opponent was Fojovic. The latter narrowly defeated Wawrinka in the last round of five games. Onich kept winning.

In the first set of the game, the two entered their respective rhythms of serve protection. Raonic took the lead with a 4-3 lead. In the eighth game, Raonic missed three break point opportunities. After that, the two of them kept serve. The score came to a 6-6 tie. Raonic started 5-0 in the tie-break and finally won the tie-break 7-2 to win the first set. In the second set, the rhythm of this set turned into a break service battle. Focovic took the lead in breaking serve to start 2-0, and then Raonic quickly returned to a 2-2 tie. After the first round, the score came to a 5-5 tie. In the eleventh game, the two men deuce three times and Focovic secured the serve. Then Raonic had to lose the serve and Focovic broke 7-5. Won the second set victory and the total score came to a 1-1 tie.

In the third set, after the score came to a 2-2 tie, Raonic played a climax, and then continuously suppressed his opponent on the bottom line, breaking the belt all the way to win the set 6-2, and the total score was 2-1 again. In the fourth set, Raonic became better and better. In the third game, he scored a break point with a continuous bottom line attack. Then he broke serve with the winning points. After that, he broke serve for the second time in the fifth game and kept serving Rao. Nicky won the fourth set 6-2, with a total score of 3-1 and advanced to the Australian Open men’s singles top 16.

In other men’s singles games on this match day, No. 23 seed Lajovic first dropped a set to start a counterattack, defeating Spain’s Martinez 6-7/7-5/6-1/6-4, and No. 18 seed Di In the strong dialogue between Mitrov and Busta, the Spanish player was troubled by injuries. After losing 0-6 in the first set, he chose to retire in the second set and Dimitrov advanced to the Australian Open men’s singles. Four rounds.Return to Sohu to see more


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