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Australia conducts extensive research into causes of forest fires NOW

Australia is going to do extensive research into the causes of the forest fires that have been raging in the country for months. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has set up a so-called Royal Commission that will look at the influence of climate on the fires, among other things.

The research focuses on various issues, such as how the army can be deployed in forest fires and how the risk of natural disasters can be reduced.

The Royal Commission must investigate how Australia can better defend itself against climate change, adapt to it and what needs to be done to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.

According to Morrison, the research recognizes climate change and the wider impact that the longer, drier and hotter summers have, but the focus of the research is not on that. “The focus is on the practical actions needed to improve the safety of Australians,” he says.

The committee also investigates whether laws need to be changed, so that, among other things, it is determined which authorities are responsible for managing the emergency services. The expectation is that the committee will announce the first results of the investigation in August.

Morrison criticized for position on climate change

Prime Minister Morrison came under fire in his own country, partly because he went on holiday to Hawaii during the wild fires. He was accused by the population of having intervened too late and half-heartedly. His position on the impact of climate change on forest fires was also criticized. According to him, climate change was only “partially” the cause of the forest fires.

The forest fires in Australia have been raging since September. At least thirty people died. It is estimated that millions of hectares of nature were lost and billions of animals died in the fires. A lot of rain has fallen in recent weeks, so the fires are now under control.

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