Home » Health » AUSL Modena – Sports Medicine, in 2022 the athletes evaluated in the new headquarters were over 10,500

AUSL Modena – Sports Medicine, in 2022 the athletes evaluated in the new headquarters were over 10,500

Since the start of activities in the new headquarters at the end of 2021, athlete ratings, resulting in the release of sports eligibility, have increased compared to previous years reaching the over 10,500, also due to the mandatory re-evaluations of sportsmen who have contracted Covid. Furthermore, the assessments for the certification of suitability of the Disabled and Sport clinic have increased over 240 athletes visited.

(In the photo: the Director of Sports Medicine Gustavo Savino together with Laura Bernaroli (right) and Cecilia Zurlo (left), AMPA kinesiologists of Sports Medicine)

With the move to the new headquarters, and having overcome the emergency phase linked to the pandemic, Sports Medicine has started new collaborations with the Geriatrics service, the Oncology of the ‘Ramazzini’ Hospital in Carpi and the Polyclinic of Modena, with the Anti-smoking/Drug Addiction Service, the Adolescent Center and Penitentiary Medicine. The activities of the Regional Anti-Doping Center have also resumed at full capacity and all the training actions in schools, sports clubs and health personnel on the issues of healthy lifestyles, prevention and fight against doping, as well as the important contribution of the dedicated clinic the athlete’s nutrition and the overweight/obese child care service in collaboration with Sian (Food and Nutrition Hygiene Service).

“The new location of the service in the R-Nord complex, the allocation of larger and more comfortable spaces and the relative gym have laid and are laying the foundations for an important and growing commitment in favor of protecting the athlete’s health – says the Director of the Sports Medicine, Gustavo Savino -. In addition to this, the actions for the promotion of movement and the fight against a sedentary lifestyle associated with prevention and the battle against the use of dangerous substances in sport are even stronger”.

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