Home » today » News » Aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht bedeutet Brexit zunächst einmal Desintegration / From an economic perspective, Brexit and disintegration are synonymous / Sur le plan économique, le Brexit est d’abord synonyme de désintégration / Sul piano economico, la Brexit è innanzitutto synonimo di disintegrazione

Aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht bedeutet Brexit zunächst einmal Desintegration / From an economic perspective, Brexit and disintegration are synonymous / Sur le plan économique, le Brexit est d’abord synonyme de désintégration / Sul piano economico, la Brexit è innanzitutto synonimo di disintegrazione

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The exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union was a major challenge for the Swiss economy. But how did it ultimately affect Swiss companies? What consequences can still be felt today? Answers from Thomas A. Zimmermann, who is responsible for the negotiations between Switzerland and the UK in the trade area at SECO.

The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union has been a major challenge for the Swiss economy. But ultimately, how has it impacted Swiss companies? And what effects are still evident today? Thomas A. Zimmermann, Head of Switzerland-UK Trade Negotiations at SECO, provides some insight.

The exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union represented a major challenge for the Swiss economy. But what was ultimately its impact on Swiss companies? What effects are still visible today? Answers from Thomas A. Zimmermann, Head of Swiss-UK Trade Negotiations at SECO.

The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union represented a major challenge for the Swiss economy. But what was its impact on Swiss companies in the end? What effects are still visible today? Here are the answers from Thomas A. Zimmermann, head of the Swiss-UK trade agreements at SECO.

Authors Zimmerman, Thomas Alexander Journal or Publication Title KMU-Portal Language English Subjects business studies
economics HSG Classification contribution to practical use / society HSG Profile Area SEPS – Economic Policy Date 2 March 2022 Publisher SME portal of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs Place of Publication Bern Volume – Number – Number of Pages 3 Official URL https://www.kmu.admin.ch/kmu/de/home/aktuell/inter… Depositing User

Dr. Thomas Alexander Zimmermann

Date Deposited 05 Mar 2022 11:33 Last Modified 05 Mar 2022 11:42 HATE: https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/publications/265975

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