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AUR’s Strategic Political Moves: New Sovereign Pole Forming in Romanian Parliament

After the registration of PSD senator Călin Matieș in AUR, six other MPs from PSD, PNL and USR are to register in the parliamentary group of George Simion’s party. The rallies take place in the context in which George Simion is going to announce the formation of a sovereignist pole next week.

George Simion, at the AUR protestPhoto: AGERPRES

Parliamentary sources told HotNews.ro that in the next period six more MPs from PSD, PNL and USR would join the AUR parliamentary group. Negotiations are still ongoing with the pesedists Florin Daniel Ghiță, deputy of Ilfov, Daniel Florea, deputy of Bucharest, Marian Iulian Rasaliu, deputy of Brașov, liberals Ovidiu Iosif Florean, senator of Bistrița, Florică Ică Calotă, deputy of Telorman, as well as Andrei Postică – USR senator of the Galatians.

HotNews.ro tried to talk to the six, but they did not answer the phone.

George Simion: “If one parliamentarian leaves us, I will take two from them”

Contacted by HotNews.ro, AUR leader George Simion confirmed that he is in negotiations with several Coalition parliamentarians, but did not want to give more details.

“I can’t confirm any names to you, but let our political opponents know: for one MP gone from us, I’ll take two from them,” declared George Simion.

The AUR leader refers to the fact that three AUR parliamentarians were recruited by PSD and PNL. It is about Brașov deputy Raluca Borta, Hunedoara deputy Ana Maria Gavrilă and Buzău deputy Nicolae Roman.

The Sovereign Pole, launched next week: who is part of it

Returning to AUR, the recall of the six parliamentarians takes place in the context in which the party led by George Simion is to announce the establishment of the sovereignist pole.

George Simion confirmed for HotNews.ro that four political formations will be part of the sovereignist alliance: the Peasant National Alliance led by Radu Ghidău, the Republican Party led by Marian Cucșa, the National Identity Force – PSL – Ilan Laufer and the National Renaissance Alliance – Peter Costea.

“Our goal is to succeed in the last parliamentary and presidential elections, from November-December 2024, a majority of Romanian votes. In this sense, we call with us in the GOLD Sovereign Pole all formations, associations, personalities who oppose the so-called Democratic Bloc PSD-PNL. Especially after the scandal with Mrs. Lasconi, we see that we are the only ones who defend normal, natural values, and we have to be strong to win. Everyone is needed, I call all Romanians to join me”, Simion told HotNews.ro.

According to the AUR leader, the announcement of the establishment of the sovereign pole will be made next week, in a conference at the Parliament. The five political formations will go together to the 2024 elections as an electoral alliance.

Among the names promoted by the future sovereignist pole are Marian Cucșa, Radu Ghidău, Peter Costea, but also the former minister of tourism when he was in the PSD – Ilan Laufer and the controversial businessman Mohammad Murad.

HotNews.ro wrote at the end of last year about the movement that AUR is preparing for the 2024 election year.

In fact, the Alliance organized several debates on the topic of sovereignty, and George Simion declared that he is working to create a sovereignist pole in Romania for the 2024 elections and that there are already discussions in this regard with several small formations.

What is sovereignty

The dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Cristian Preda, explained, at the time, in a statement for HotNews.ro, that sovereignty is currently “the opposition to the European Union”.

“Sovereignism, in short, is a doctrine improvised in various member states by those who are radical opponents of the Union, are unhappy that they entered the EU, and would like to leave.”

Sovereignism emerged in Europe with the Brexit initiative launched by UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) and continued in Germany with Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).

“Anti-Europeans from various member states can be brought together because they will say ‘we love that Europe which means anything but the Union.’

Sovereignty will be promoted as the assertion of national identity, sovereignty, taking control, and then rhetorical manipulations can occur. Just as Putin tells us that he is the only one who will save Ukraine, the sovereignists will tell us that they are the only ones who will save Europe even though they want to destroy united Europe”, explains the political scientist.

In Romania, AUR is the correspondent of sovereignism and tries to promote its doctrine and gain as many followers as possible.

2023-11-10 14:12:00
#George #Simion #launches #Sovereign #Pole #part #moves #negotiated #AUR #Parliament

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