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Aurélie Cuttat, the messenger of good news

She is one of those we imagine hermetic to stage fright. However, her deep blue eyes and blushing cheeks reveal a slight apprehension when we meet her in Lausanne. “I’m not used to this kind of exercise,” says Aurélie Cuttat.

The 33-year-old journalist has been the face of the chronicle for three years All new all kisses on RTS, in which it dissects information that does good. “At the outset, the idea was to select three good news, whether it was related to one another or not.”

Also read: News can also be good

In a tone that is both clear and sarcastic, of which she alone seems to hold the secret, Aurélie Cuttat evokes every Friday the last part of the 12h45 topical themes – from Anne Soupa’s candidacy to the archbishopric of Lyon to the return of the city bike – which she examined in less than three minutes. An exercise that is both arduous and stimulating for the young woman. “It is very complicated to find real good news. There is almost an obligation to take sides, because good news for some is not necessarily good for others. ”

Latest example to date, his column devoted to acceptance at the National Council of Marriage for All, and the avalanche of negative comments that followed it on social networks. Not enough to discourage the Jurassian. “There are certain things I want to talk about. If I was confined to giving good news, it would frustrate me after a while. I also want to keep the freedom to talk about things that are wrong. This column is a nice balance, ”she says.

Passion for sound

On paper, almost nothing intended her for journalism. In 2005, when she flew to Quebec, Aurélie was keen to continue her studies in the theater. After three years, she obtained a bachelor’s degree in theater studies, in the staging section. The journey seems to have forged it. Aurélie comes out there. “It was a cool and complicated experience. I was alone, I stayed there from my 18 to my 21 years, which are quite pivotal years. It was a truly foundational project in my autonomy, ”she recalls.

Back in Switzerland, she lands in Geneva where she will evolve at the Grand Théâtre as a stage technician. She will be overtaken by her love of sound, inherited from a young age. “The radio has always been on at my place, my parents listened to it from 6 am to midnight. I can recognize the voices of the journalists who presented the 12h30 at the time, these were my Proust madeleines. I even had fun repeating the news flashes at the same time as the flashists. ”

A reminiscence which will result in several radio appearances. First in Quebec, where she will host the cultural agenda of a small local radio station, then, some time after her return, on the Jura radio station GRRIF in 2012. “I applied to be a presenter, given that I came from the world theater, but it was quickly pointed out to me that I spoke only of current events and that one would see me well in journalism, whereas I had never envisaged this trade. » She will be trained at the CRFJ, which has become the CFJM.

A shy extrovert

In 2017, Aurélie added a new string to her bow. With the launch of the chronicle All new all kisses, the Jurassian discovers the passion for the image. “I am very shy but I love the link to the goal. I really feel like there are people behind, I don’t know how many or who, but it’s an eye for me. So, even when I ride alone in a park, I am stressed. I’m creating a kind of stage fright. ”

I also want to keep the freedom to talk about things that are wrong

Aurélie Cuttat

In principle, she can count on the editors who accompany her during filming, in parks, forests or in the middle of fields. At the height of the pandemic, the young woman’s work was also put to the test. He had to shoot alone, sometimes in his living room, and do without the precious advice of his colleagues, which did not prevent him from putting his subjects on time every Friday morning.

“I love to make people laugh”

“It has been a long time since I have had any social life on Thursday evening,” she jokes. If the journalist does not claim to be a humorist, the latter nevertheless handles the codes of laughter with ease. “I have been gags since I was little. I love to make people laugh. I always get satisfaction from it. I am a woman who speaks and laughs loudly, exuberant when I am confident, ”she recognizes. A character trait which permeates most of his chronicles.

“This is all the delicacy of this exercise: bringing subjects by incarnating them but without putting them down. There has to be a perfect balance between learning things and bringing them joyfully through form, ”comments Aurélie. A bet that seems successful, in part thanks to the great confidence that its writing gives it. “Last week, I started my column by saying” I am a lesbian, that is not even a subject “. I have total confidence in the editorial and that is very important, ”she concludes.


1987 Birth in Delémont.

2005 Travel to Quebec and obtain a bachelor’s degree in theater studies.

2008 Coming out.

2011 First steps on the radio for GRRIF.

2017 Launch of the chronicle “All New All Bo”.

Find all the portraits of “Time”.

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