Home » today » World » Aurah Ruiz suffers a serious fall during one of the ‘Survivors 2024’ tests and the program has to be stopped

Aurah Ruiz suffers a serious fall during one of the ‘Survivors 2024’ tests and the program has to be stopped

The tests carried out in Survivors 2024 are carefully designed so that they can be carried out without any type of problem. However, all the measures taken by the program organization do not seem to be sufficient on some occasions.

In the last location game, Aurah Ruiz suffered an unfortunate and spectacular accident that turned out to be serious enough to temporarily stop the contest so that she could be properly treated by the medical team.

Aurah could have nailed one of the stumps

The game consisted of transporting water in buckets and avoiding a series of obstacles to reach the destination with as much as possible. In one of the areas you had to navigate a series of vertical wooden stumps and maintain your balance. It was at this point where the canary has fallen.

Great concern for the condition of Aurah Ruiz

Although the blow was not seen live, Aurah’s screams of pain could be heard, as she burst into tears while lying face down on the ground and unable to move. In a few seconds she received help from her teammates and her medical team, who remained caring for her after stopping the game. “It has been a big scare for everyone. Tranquility”, reported Laura Madrueño.

It is not known what happened to cause Aurah to hurt herself so much, but the reactions of Gorka and Blanca Manchón have been very eloquent to give us an idea. While the Basque contestant threw his hands to his head after seeing the blow, his partner made gestures indicating that Aurah could have lost her balance with the bad luck of getting one of the stumps stuck in her side.

Moments later, the program has continued its usual course but the organization has decided to make a modification to the game so that no other contestants would hurt again: instead of having to go over the stumps, they had to go around them in a kind of zigzag.

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