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Aura of Love Peek at Business Opportunities Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic

JawaPos.com – Aura Kasih is one person who really cares about health problems, even he routinely performs complete treatment. However, the pandemic has made some people worry about coming to the health center.

Therefore, Aura Kasih through its Aura Dermatology by DNI Skin Center presents a health care concept wellness. In that sense, treatment is not only given to the outside of the body, but also to overall health.

“In the pandemic era and the new normal adaptation, we also provide comprehensive health services from vaccines to immune booster, “Said Aura through his official statement, Friday.

Aura said the clinic provides vaccinations for cervical cancer, meningitis vaccinations, and influenza vaccinations. In addition, there is also an injection of vitamin C to immune booster.

“For example, I want a vaccine but are afraid to go to the hospital, don’t want to queue because it’s crowded, at the clinic we can serve,” said the woman who is also active as an administrator of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI).

Meanwhile, Aura shared her experiences after childbirth experiencing hair loss. He also provided a solution for conducting PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy.

This therapy involves taking the patient’s blood plasma, which is then injected into the scalp to treat bald hair or hair loss.

“Pregnant women or after giving birth, their hair likes to fall out. PRP treatment is a safe solution, because it uses your own blood, ”said Aura.

Editor: Dinarsa Kurniawan

– Reporter: Between

Aura Kasih

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