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August ‘Ballet Stars in Jurmala’ will take place for the 21st time in August

The Dzintari Concert Hall will host the twenty-first international festival on August 1 “Ballet stars in Jurmala“.

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According to the organizers of “Delfi”, this year the festival will bring together ballet personalities from abroad and Latvia, offering spectators the opportunity to enjoy the pearls of classical ballet, and this time also such numbers that are less common in concert formats. Traditionally, the program will include the latest works of domestic and foreign choreographers, who have already received high praise in the international arena. In the context of the last two years, we cannot do without “greetings” for ballet during a pandemic, the organizers report.

Last year, the big ballet event could not take place, so this time the meeting with the audience is expected with special excitement. “After an eight-month break, we danced in front of the audience for the first time, the feeling was fantastic, we were greeted with applause! In Estonia, the vaccination rates have reached such a level that events can take place without restrictions. It was such a fantastic feeling to see a full line of spectators.” At the Tchaikovsky Festival in the Estonian city of Haapsalu, the troupe’s artistic director tells Aivars Leimanis. As usual, he will also be the director of the ballet festival in Jurmala.

Continuing the tradition of inviting Latvian artists dancing abroad to come home, the audience will be delighted by the leading soloist of the Hamburg Ballet Theater Anna Laudere and Valery Kuzmich from the Gothenburg Opera Dance Company.

Among the foreign guests will be the leading soloist of American Tbilisi ballet Philip Fedulov. In a duet with Annija Kopštāls, winner of the Dance Prize 2019-2020, pas de deux from the ballet “Swan Lake” will be danced. Annija Kopštāle The dance award was given for this role.

In anticipation of the reunion with the audience, Elza Leimane and Antons Freimans have prepared the technically extremely complex choreography “Fire Bird” by Marco Geke for the audience’s evaluation. In turn, the winner of many international competitions Avetik Karapetjans will dance in the well-known, but always great emotion of Ben van Kovenberg’s solo “Bourgeois”.

The Latvian National Ballet Troupe will offer an extensive excerpt from the ballet “Swan Lake”. Due to restrictions, the renewed production has so far been seen only by a small number of spectators, so there will be a great opportunity to see this show in Jurmala.

Other classical and nowadays serious and less serious ballet numbers are also expected in the program.

Thanks to the passion of the festival’s long-term director and soul – the artistic director of the Latvian National Ballet Aivars Leimanis – and his love of ballet art, the festival has been growing and improving for more than 20 years, providing traditional ballet festivals for Latvian residents and Jurmala guests. Also this year at the festival, the counters are waiting for meetings with top dancers and new talents, eternal values ​​and courageous search.

Tickets for the Ballet Festival concert can be purchased “Ticket Paradise” box offices.

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