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August 15th Polish Army Day and memory of history – Pruszków

On August 15th we celebrate Polish Army Daywhich is not only an opportunity to recall historical events, but also to express gratitude to those who today stand guard over our security. This holiday commemorates one of the most important moments in Polish history – the Battle of Warsaw in 1920, the victory of which decided the fate of not only our country, but also the whole of Europe.

Battle of Warsaw 1920 – defense of Europe

The Battle of Warsaw, often called the Miracle at the Vistula, took place on August 13-25, 1920, during the Polish-Bolshevik War. Polish troops, led by Marshal Józef Piłsudski, faced a powerful offensive by the Red Army, whose goal was to transfer the Bolshevik revolution to the West. Poland, recently reborn after more than a hundred years of partition, faced a mortal threat. Thanks to Piłsudski’s strategic genius, the mobilization of society, and the enormous determination of Polish soldiers, it was possible to turn the tide of the war. This victory not only saved Poland, but also stopped the Bolshevik march into Western Europe, which had a decisive influence on the future of the continent. The Battle of Warsaw is treated by historians as one of the breakthroughs in world history.

Defense forces

The history of the Polish armed forces is full of examples of heroism and sacrifice. From medieval knights defending the country’s borders, through the hussars – the pride of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, to soldiers fighting in national uprisings and both world wars, the Polish army has always played a key role in defending national sovereignty and identity. During the times of partition and occupation, it was in the army and military organizations that the spirit of resistance was shaped, which allowed Poland to regain independence.

The Polish Army today

The modern Polish Army continues the traditions of its predecessors, but faces new challenges. Today’s armed forces not only defend the borders of our country, but also participate in international missions, contributing to global security. Poland is a member of NATO, and our soldiers participate in peacekeeping and stabilization missions in many places.

The role of the Polish Army in ensuring security is invaluable. In addition to the traditional defense of the country, the army is involved in activities to protect the civilian population, combat natural disasters, and defend cyberspace, which is becoming an increasingly important battlefield in today’s world.

Polish Armed Forces Day is an opportunity to express gratitude to all those who serve in the armed forces for the good of the homeland. It is also a moment to remember how important the role of the military is in building a stable and secure state.

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