August 15 is a holiday commemorating Poland’s victorious Battle of Warsaw in 1920, as well as a Marian feast, known in Poland as Our Lady of the Herbs. Is it a holiday of obligation according to church doctrine? The list of celebrations during which the faithful are required to participate in Holy Mass is specified in the provisions of the Canon Code.
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Holiday August 15. Do you have to go to church?
According to canon 1246 of the Code of Canon Law, holy days of obligation are all Sundays, as well as “the days of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Epiphany, the Ascension and the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Holy Mary Mother of God, her Immaculate Conception and Assumption, Saint Joseph, Saints Peter and Paul, and finally All Saints’ Day.”
This means that August 15 is a holy day of obligation. The faithful are therefore obliged to participate in the services held on that day under penalty of committing a sin.
Not only on August 15. The faithful will have several more holidays of obligation in 2024
According to church law, the faithful must attend mass every Sunday. In addition, nine obligatory holidays have been established. In addition to the upcoming August 15, in 2024, the following will also be obligatory holidays: All Saints’ Day, celebrated on November 1, and the first day of Christmas, December 25.