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Audrey Pulvar candidate for regional elections in Ile-de-France

” I am ready ! “ : Audrey Pulvar formalizes, in an interview with Parisian , his candidacy for regional elections in Ile-de-France at the head of the left list “Ile-de-France en commun” with the desire to turn the page on the “old world”.

“I am officially a candidate”, declares the deputy of the socialist mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo. “We have a lot of proposals to get out of Valérie Pécresse’s politics (current regional president, Editor’s note) which is that of the old world.

She wants to make public transport free

Among the flagship measures of Audrey Pulvar’s program, a neophyte in politics before being elected in June as mayor of Paris, free public transport in Ile-de-France, amounted to 2.2 billion euros and mocked by his opponents.

This free service would apply from September to those under 18, students and job seekers under 25 before being gradually extended to beneficiaries of social minima and people with disabilities and then open in 2026 to all Ile-de-France residents. , she specifies.

The former journalist, aged 48, is also proposing the establishment for 18-25 year olds of a “Unique Young Francilien Pass” which would centralize all the departmental, regional and government aid to which they can claim. It also defends the idea of ​​an extended RSA for 18-25 year olds, a measure that has been rejected for the time being by the executive.

Disagreements with environmentalists

Open secret, the entry into the running in the race for regional Audrey Pulvar, which is supported by the Socialist Party, Public Square and the radical left party, however, comes up against that of the number one in Europe Ecology-Les Greens Julien Bayou.

“It will be necessary to iron out certain disagreements, in particular on fundamental questions such as secularism”, recognizes Audrey Pulvar. “But I have no doubt that we will manage to find a common path if we have to block the right of Valérie Pécresse and of the République en Marche”.

Valérie Pécresse leads the polls

In the latest poll to date, conducted by Harris-Interactive, the ecologist (15%) and socialist (14%) lists are neck and neck, ahead of that of Clémentine Autain (LFI, 9%). Valérie Pécresse (Libres! Ex LR) prances her in the lead (30%), followed at a distance by Jean-Michel Blanquer (16%) whose name circulated as a potential candidate for LREM but who warned Monday “to be monopolized” by the crisis sanitary. The RN, potentially represented by Jordan Bardella, is credited with 14%.

It remains to be seen when the regional elections will be held. Initially scheduled for March, the ballot should be postponed, due to the coronavirus epidemic, in June. Senators gave the green light this Tuesday, and MEPs will vote in early February.

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