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Audiovisual mini-pieces about Carvalho Calero to celebrate Galician Literature Day Radio Coruña | Today for A Coruña

This Sunday the Galician Literature Day in the middle of the crisis of coronavirus. The Real Academia Galega (RAG) has programmed during this month of May a set of audiovisual mini-pieces around the figure of Ricardo Carvalho Calero that can be seen on its website and social networks.

Each intervention revolves around a word that defined him. Among the terms chosen by the academics are: Commitment, Galician, Cabal, Dreamer, Independent or Speaker. The plenary session of the RAG scheduled for May 17 is moved to October 31.

In the first intervention the academic and poet Salvador García-Bodaño It evokes the celebration of the first Galician Literature Day, in 1963, during the dictatorship in the Pazo de Fonseca of the University of Santiago.

Remember that Carvalho Calero gave a lecture on its protagonist, Rosalía de Castro and her Cantares Galegos to young people like Carlos Casares, Xohana Torres or Antón Santamarina.

The exhibition ‘A voz presente’ reviews the life of Carvalho Calero in digital format, but it will be itinerant

The programming organized by the Agal association and the Xunta de Galicia to celebrate Carvalho Calero is kept alive through the networks. Precisely, the central pillar of these initiatives is located in the exhibition ‘A Voz Presente’, an exhibition in which the figure of the Ferrol intellectual, his life and work, is approached through his own words.

The sample, initially available in digital format, has several versions designed for public display, since the objective of both organizations is to recover the presence of the initiative and take the figure of the Ferrol polygraph to all corners of Galicia and Portugal .

This is how the president of Agal has transferred it, Eduardo Maragoto, the Secretary General of Language Policy, Valentin Garcia, and the Director General of Cultural Policies, Angel Lorenzo, in a ‘telematic’ appearance to address the various actions in which they collaborate to celebrate May 17.

Let’s listen, Carlos Quiroga and Jose Luís Rodríguez, took on the tasks of designing and curating the exhibition, adapted for both an exhibition in Ferrol and Santiago and in other smaller spaces. The digital version, which is already available, includes a reconversion of the 12 initial panels, which delves into the artistic, human and linguistic dimension of the Ferrol intellectual.

Through his digital visit, he will be able to meet the disseminator Carvalho, his creative and research work, and take a tour of his life trajectory with various phrases and quotes from the author himself about his time in Ferrol, Lugo and Santiago.

The exhibition also dedicates a space to his reintegrationist vision and his thinking about the language, in addition to his honesty through participation in the social, collective and cultural life of Galicia.

Didactic resources

The initiative can be visited, together with other didactic, textual or biographical resources, on the web ‘Carvalho2020.gal‘, which collects dozens of content of all kinds to offer a complete overview of the life and work of Ricardo Carvalho and is also available adapted to both the ILG-RAG and AGAL standards.

Martinho Montero Santalha signs the biography of the author, which is completed with files of all his works and works, by the hand of Marcos Saavedra. The website offers six didactic units adapted to the different educational stages, signed by teachers such as Laura García Díaz, Marisa Moreda Leirado and Bernardo Penabade.

It also includes a monograph dedicated to ‘Scórpio’ and another from a feminist reading, made by Teresa Crisanta and Susana Sanches Arins, respectively. All this completed with the documentary ‘From Carballo to Carvalho’, which will be broadcast this week on TVG and which is included among the resources available on the web, among other actions.

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