Directed by fellow actor Víctor Sosa Traverzzi, the short documentary gathers the experience of four protagonists: Graciela Pastor, Teresita Pesoa, Tito Jara Román and Ramón del Río; long-standing figures in Paraguayan theater, who share, in addition to anecdotes about their experiences on stage over the years, the role of the theater interpreter in national culture.
MEMORY. Under the slogan of memory, the central axis of his interdisciplinary master’s degree in theater and living arts, studied between 2018 and 2019 at the National University of Colombia, Víctor Sosa was inspired by his return to Paraguay to carry out an audiovisual record of the exponents of the Paraguayan theater.
“It arose from the idea of memory, as well as my thesis, of how to make a living memory, in the sense of an audiovisual record of those figures, because there really is not as much research material,” says Sosa, mentioning that in the country there is a perceived deficit and lack of attention regarding this important aspect of history and culture.
FIGURES. “Tito Jara is practically the father of the Paraguayan independent theater; Teresita Pesoa is one of the actresses who made the most popular theater with many figures in her time; Graciela Pastor did popular theater in Guaraní and a committed theater; Ramón del Río, a great actor who participated in several alternative, independent theater casts, also played a very iconic role on the national scene in the play I, the supreme, he played an older France ”, details the director of the documentary about the performers who also share the fact that they started on stage during the 1950s.
“It is very emotional for me, they leave testimonies and give strength, encouragement to all the actors and actresses who want to play for this profession as beautiful, sacrificing and comforting as theater is”, mentions Sosa.
AUDIOVISUAL. Víctor states that this documentary obeys in a certain way the transition process in which he finds himself, that it starts from his role as a theater interpreter and that it involves his recent experience in academic research, then now venturing as director in the audiovisual area, sector in which he already played the role of actor in prominent films such as 7 Boxes and Cicada Moon.
When evaluating the relationship between audiovisuals and theater, he states that they have a link that he described as “constructive” and emphasized the need to create more spaces for both arts. “We must build a generation of actors, with training not only audiovisual, but also theater. The more we promote the arts in general, the more we all win, “he said.
Title: Memories of the Paraguayan theater.
Genre: Short documentary.
Direction: Víctor Sosa Traverzzi.
Stars: Graciela Pastor, Teresita Pesoa, Tito Jara Román and Ramón del Río.
Premiere: Friday 29.
Time: 20:00.
Link: Fanpages of the National Secretariat of Culture, Casa Karaku Self-managed Cultural Space and Union of Actors of Paraguay.