Home » today » Entertainment » AUDIO: Joaquín Pascual, the Primary teacher who teaches music with the songs of Madonna and Michael Jackson – Herrera at COPE

AUDIO: Joaquín Pascual, the Primary teacher who teaches music with the songs of Madonna and Michael Jackson – Herrera at COPE

Joaquín Pascual is a primary school music teacher, as well as a rocker, and teaches his students with the greatest hits of Madonna and Michael Jackson. It does so through the interactive project ‘The music and me’ which today is taught in four autonomous communities with which it is intended that students find a meaning to this art.

For Joaquín “music has that power to move and suggest you when you understand the meaning and even the function that is given at all times if it is not a little anecdotal “, that is why this teacher what he wants is” itry to convey that music has meaning and we get excited at the moment when that emotion has to happen, outside of that context it may not make sense “

Although he considers that “the way of listening to music has changed a great deal, with the Internet, streaming music, playlists … it is very different, so we have to put ourselves a little in the shoes of these younger kids and try to maintain a Little is that didactic teaching line that we teachers of music or any other discipline have ”; for him it is important that “create a musical background, that they have a critical capacity, make them listen to all kinds of music and be able to value it in a measure, let’s say fair.”

And it is that this teacher is concerned that his students beyond learning “what is inside that music, how it has been made or how it has been made, the main thing is that they learn to enjoy music, to get excited, that it gives you just what you need at all times and that will always be thereí ”.

At the end of the day, as Joaquín argues, the job of a teacher is to make them “critical listeners, who have a capacity for judgment, who have a good cultural background, which is essential.”

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