Manuscripts and memorabilia by the late French President Charles de Gaulle (1890-1970) will be put up for sale in Paris on December 16, according to the announcement by the house “Arcurial”, which ‘ to organize the auction for them, during which the manuscript of the June 18 Petition that he launched from London in 1940 will be on display.
“Arcurial” explained in a statement that the auction is an initiative of the late family, and a portion of its proceeds will be given to the Anne de Gaulle Foundation, which includes and supports people with disabilities.
Almost all of these manuscripts and letters were previously published in 13 volumes entitled “Letres, notes et carnets,” published by the “Blon” publishing house between 1980 and 1997.
The house pointed out that the manuscript of De Gaulle’s first book, “La Discorde chez l’ennemi,” published in 1924, is among “more than 350 items” offered for sale at the auction. Its value was estimated between 50,000 and 60,000 euros.
Regarding the manuscript of the remarkable novel he wrote at the age of 14, long before the First World War, entitled “Campagne d’Allemagne,” in which he thinks he has freed France from invasion, he estimated his His price is between ten thousand. and 15 thousand euros.
Among the exhibits are manuscripts of other short stories, one of which relates to the story “Zalena” (1908), which takes place in New Caledonia, and the price was estimated at four thousand to five thousand euros.
As for the letter that the general sent to his wife Yvonne describing the battles of May 1940, its estimated value was between seven thousand and eight thousand euros, according to “Arcurial.”
The auction also includes the “Lip” watch worn by de Gaulle when he was president in the sixties, and its price is estimated between six thousand and ten thousand euros.
The auction at Arcurial’s headquarters on the Parisian Champs-Elysées will be accompanied by an exhibition of a document kept by the family, which is the four pages of the manuscript of the June 18 Appeal, read by de Gaulle in 1940 on British BBC radio. while he was in London, in which he asked his citizens to stand against the German army. This is the first time this manuscript has been exhibited, according to the house.