It was at Pierre Beffre Room last Thursday that Aubin’s High School of Wood and Housing Professions held the second edition of its Armies Forum with Christophe Perez, Senior Education Advisor (CPE) and Aymeric Tournier, Professor of Security Professions. The Lycée d’Aubin, which offers a course in security professions with a Bac Pro and a BTS “Security Operation Management”, was the centrepiece.
“We opted for this room because we have broadened our young audience. In the morning we receive our second, first and final year, i.e. 140 students and this afternoon there will be as many, with our 3 preparatory classes and the final BAC Pro from the Lycée la Discovery de Decazeville. This day is placed under the sign of the discovery of the various professions of the army corps. The Air Force, the National Navy, the Army, the National Gendarmerie, the National Police, the Foreign Legion are present , as well as public and private security professions Whether they are firefighters, “I remind you that in high schools we offer a section of volunteer firefighters”, underline the CPE, the Civil Protection, the Paris Fire Brigade and the municipal police.
“We have among us the private company CYNO 12 which will offer a demonstration of attack defense with a dog, Greta du Rouergue and the National Universal Service.
This is why we opted for this room to organize the Forum. Furthermore, we intend in the future to extend this Forum to other pupils and university students of Villefranchois, which will at least double the total participation compared to this edition. And given the success of this, we will expand it next year” concludes the duo of the Lycée d’Aubin.