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AUA rescue package stands: 450 million euros in state aid

Lufthansa boss Carsten Spohr flew again on Monday Vienna one, this time not for negotiations, but only for signature. government, Finance agency Cofag and state holding Öbag have agreed with the Lufthansa board and the AUA management Aid package agreed for the national carrier. The government will announce the agreement in a press conference at 5 p.m.

The key points:

The AUA receives a total of 600 million euros in support. 300 million of them are bank loans under the leadership of Erste and RBI, run by the state corona agency Cofag be guaranteed. The repayment runs for 6 years.

The receives 150 million euros AUA from the Republic of fresh equity. The airline would have received 90 million from the emergency fund anyway.

The mother shoots 150 million euros Lufthansa to.

Receives in benefits Austria a ten year old Location guarantee for the AUA. The headquarters remains in Vienna, The airport will be upgraded to a long-haul hub within the group, the brand AUA remains intact.

The republic receives two seats on the board of the owner foundation of the AUA.

A participation of the republic in the AUA or at the Lufthansa there won’t be, however. About that government apparently not with Germany some.

But it will be Syndicate contract closed in the Austria Participation rights are guaranteed.

Ecological requirements have also been agreed. For ultra short distances, there should be an additional Ticket tax give.

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