Home » today » Entertainment » Attorney Shinpyeong Criticizes Police Investigation into Death of Lee Seon-gyun at Funeral Home

Attorney Shinpyeong Criticizes Police Investigation into Death of Lee Seon-gyun at Funeral Home





Entered 2024.01.01 03:16 Modified 2024.01.01 03:16 Reporter Kim Nam-ha ([email protected])

New Review: “The police must have enjoyed the enormous spotlight… They were preoccupied with the investigation and defamed the deceased.”

“The investigation into the deceased is like watching a police investigation into past adultery… It feels like watching a pornographic novel.”

“Illegality disguised as legal is not limited to the police, but to the entire judicial system… Distrust must be eliminated.”

On the 27th, the funeral home of the late actor Lee Seon-gyun was prepared at the funeral hall of Seoul National University Hospital in Jongno-gu, Seoul. ⓒNewsis

Attorney Shinpyeong, known as President Yoon Seok-yeol’s ‘political mentor’, expressed his opinion that the police were responsible for the death of the late Lee Sun-gyun.

According to the legal community on the 31st, Attorney Shin said bitterly on his SNS that day, “Maybe it was the police who provided the most direct cause for the absurd death of a world-class actor?”

Attorney Shin pointed out, “(Lee Sun-kyun’s investigation process was like a flashy drama with famous actors, drugs, and beautiful young women),” and added, “The police who investigated this case gradually fell into that drama.”

He criticized, “The police would have enjoyed the enormous media spotlight, and while the investigation was focused on side issues, the deceased’s reputation and human rights were seriously damaged.”

Attorney Shin pointed out that the investigation into the deceased was like a police investigation into adultery.

He said, “When the adultery crime was alive, police investigation records often felt like reading a pornographic novel.”

In other words, the female suspect was forced to describe explicit scenes of sexual activity, and the suspect was explicitly asked about sexual positions, situations before and after penetration, and specific pleasures, and the answers were recorded, causing the suspect to feel extreme shame.

Attorney Shin suspected, “This is ‘illegality disguised as legality,’ and this may be what the investigative police did in the deceased’s case as well.”

At the same time, he said, “Illegality disguised as legality is not limited to the police, but has been present throughout our judicial system, including the prosecution and the courts,” and added, “We are making efforts to quickly remove this cloud of curse created by extreme judicial distrust. “Reform must be implemented,” he ordered.

After Lee Seon-gyun passed away, criticism came from all over that the police had humiliated him by publicly summoning him and caused extreme stress by leaking the facts of the crime to the outside world.

In response to this, the police gave an explanation that they had never leaked the facts of the suspect, that they had consented to the public summons, and that they were concerned about an unfortunate incident that might occur if they were summoned privately.

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