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Attorney Pinangki Receives Legal Assistance, ICW Slams Attorney General’s Step

Prosecutor Pinangki Disappears Malasari. (Source: Tribunnews.com)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Researcher ICW Kurnia Ramadhana said, Attorney Pinangki not worth getting legal assistance because his actions have tarnished the prosecutor’s institution.

In this case, Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) criticize giving legal aid from the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) to Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari stumbled upon a case of alleged bribery related to refugee Djoko Tjandra.

Also Read: Attorney General Provides Legal Assistance to Attorney Pinangki

“The actions of Attorney Pinangki who met the fugitive prosecutor’s office should be interpreted as tarnishing the Adhyaksa Corps itself. So that the person concerned does not deserve legal assistance,” said Kurnia, in his statement, Tuesday (18/8/2020).

Kurnia said that Pinangki’s action also violated two aspects at once, namely ethics and law.

Pinangki was considered to have violated ethics because he left without his superior’s knowledge.

“Then it was a violation of the law because Attorney Pinangki was thought to have received a sum of money from Djoko Tjandra to take part in handling the case at the Supreme Court,” said Kurnia.

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