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Attention with ventilation during the heat wave: ‘Natural ve …

The Crisis Center explains how we can ventilate safely during the heat wave. This is important, because the number of new infections and hospital admissions continues to rise in our country.

In the period between July 26 and August 1, an average of 535 new infections were diagnosed per day, compared to an average of 338 the week before, an increase of 58 percent. This increase can be seen in all provinces and concerns people aged 20 to 60 and people over 80. “We see that the increase in Antwerp seems to be decreasing somewhat,” virologist Steven Van Gucht said during the press conference of the National Crisis Center. “It remains an increase, but not as fast. In other parts of the country, such as Brussels or Liège, the increase continues to increase. ‘ In total, 70,648 confirmed infections have been detected in our country.

Between July 26 and August 1, an average of 22 new patients were admitted to the hospital per day, a decrease of 4 percent from the previous week. A total of 265 patients are hospitalized for Covid-19, 63 of whom are in intensive care. An average of 2.4 people die per day, an increase of 13 percent compared to the previous week.

Air conditioning and ventilation

“With the arrival of the next heat wave, we would like to emphasize exactly how the virus spreads and, above all, how we can safely use fans and air conditioning,” said virologist Steven Van Gucht. The virus mainly spreads through close contact between people, through large drops over a short distance. It can also be transferred by hands when we touch a heavily contaminated surface and then rub our nose, mouth or eyes.

According to Van Gucht, it is possible that the virus can be transmitted via aerosols, which are fine droplets that can float in the air for a longer period of time and can travel a greater distance. “We think that this type of transfer could be possible in poorly ventilated areas, where we stay with several people for a longer period of time, especially when there is loud talking, singing or shouting,” said Van Gucht.

The virologist points to the importance of ventilating such spaces sufficiently and continuously. “Natural ventilation works best, open doors and windows,” he recommended.

Be careful with fans, which can spread large drops further than the classic one meter due to the strong airflow. “It is therefore best to use it only within your own household, and do not focus it on a person,” said Van Gucht.

With air conditioning it is especially important to have fresh air blown in. “Otherwise, the same is constantly being sent through the room again, and there is no dilution effect of the viruses that may be floating in the air of that room.” He also points out that an air conditioning system must be properly maintained.

Color codes for travel

On 15 July, the European Union decided to reopen internal borders. Safe traffic within Europe requires that the level of virus spread is comparable between countries, but also that the measures taken to contain the virus are comparable and that there is a good system for conducting international contact investigations. “Those conditions are not always met,” said Van Gucht. Therefore, a system of regional color codes was introduced, with associated security measures.

When allocating the color codes, an upward or downward trend in the figures, the number of tests performed and other measures are also taken into account.

Everyone can travel freely to a green area, but the government advises against traveling to an orange area. “We recommend that you get tested, especially if you have taken part in risky activities, such as disco visits or a festival visit,” said Van Gucht.

It is forbidden to travel to a red area, who returns from a red area must have a test and must be quarantined.

“The Celeval, the evaluation cell that allocates the color codes, evaluates the situation in the Schengen zone twice a week before assigning the color codes,” said Van Gucht. ‘Europe is divided into areas of one to three million inhabitants.

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